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  • 3 Minute Drill - Mark and Katharyn Richt Video Study

    October 04, 2010

    3 Minute Drill - Mark and Katharyn Richt Video Study

    Part I: 


    1. Have you ever experienced a dashed athletic dream? What did you learn about priorities through that experience?
    1. Why is it dangerous for us to place sports as our top priority? 

    2. What would you do if your sport was taken away from you tomorrow?

    3. Why is it safe to allow God to be the top priority in your life?


    Related Scripture: Psalm 33:4, Matthew 22:36-38, James 1:17

  • Some Winning Advice... Guaranteed

    October 04, 2010


    Trouble often seems to be waiting around every corner of daily life, especially for coaches. Whether it’s a troubled player, an unfair referee, a nagging parent, or an unreasonable principal, coaches can count on difficulties. Trouble comes with the territory!

    Jesus never pretended that life would be a vacation cruise. “You will have suffering,” He told His disciples. In fact, difficulties are guaranteed, an inevitable part of living in a fallen world. Jesus didn’t deliver the trouble; He just knew it was coming.

  • Slumps

    October 03, 2010


    Athletes hate slumps. They’ll try anything to get out of those times when they can’t hit the baseball or make a foul shot or catch a pass. Some players will change bats or shoes or their routine. They will do whatever it takes to get out of the slump. As Christians, a spiritual slump can make us feel like we’ve been forsaken by the Lord. Like athletes in a slump, we can struggle with doubts, fears, and frustrations. We can even feel like we’re losing the battle.

  • Skill and Integrity

    October 02, 2010


    David was a leader with great skills and a pure heart, qualities that make for a great leader, whether he or she is a monarch, a coach, or a teammate. David was both skillful and full of integrity. The world is full of skillful leaders, but they often have hearts full of compromise and mixed motives. It is the rare leader who has purity of heart, uncompromised by self-interest or divided loyalties.

    We must be leaders like David. We must work diligently to develop our skills and guard our hearts in order to maintain integrity. Beware of those who would have us violate our players’ trust. Watch out for the crouching lions of division and strife that would disrupt the unity of our teams. We need to shepherd our teams with skillful hands and integrity of heart.

  • Dallas Steward

    October 01, 2010


     Professional hockey player Dallas Steward discusses a wide range of topics from being tough on the ice to studying theology in seminary.


  • Home Stretch: Sara Hall

    October 01, 2010

    Home Stretch: Sara Hall

    I was blessed with an incredible childhood. My parents loved my siblings Amy and Bryan and me, and they devoted time to us and provided us with everything we needed. We grew up either playing in the creek behind our house in Santa Rosa, Calif., or walking across the street to the nearby state park’s swimming lagoon. I can still picture us carrying our giant inflatable animal rafts on our heads as we headed out for a swim.

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