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  • Used For Good

    May 09, 2010


    Hockey Chat: In 1896, George Merritt of the Winnipeg Victorias was the first goalie to sport ordinary crickett pads during the Stanley Cup playoffs to help him stop pucks. Soon after, crickett pads were used by all goalies.

  • Written in Eternity

    May 09, 2010


    Hockey Chat: The Stanley Cup is the only trophy in professional sports that has the names of winning players, coaches, management and club staff engraved and passed to the new winner year after year.

  • Keeping On Top

    May 09, 2010


    Hockey Chat:  Since 1905 in playoff games between in the NHL, MLB, and NBA there have been well over 800 playoff series.  Within those series, over 230 teams have taken a 3 games to none lead.  Only twice in the NHL (less than 1%) has a team come from behind three games to win the series.  That means the team that gets ahead has a better than 99% chance of winning the series.

  • The Time is NOW

    May 09, 2010


    Hockey Chat: April 22, 2008, four teams played hockey knowing that by the end of the night, only two of those teams would be going on to the next level. It was time to shine and give it all. There is no “next game” to fall back on. Time to show the true spirit.   It was two “Game Sevens”. San Jose and Philadelphia advance to the next round and for Calgary and Washington, the season was over.

  • Planted Where We Are Needed

    May 09, 2010


    Hockey Chat:  Martian Broduer’s journey started with a small hope to stop pucks that first time he played goal in net.  Through the years it grew and grew and he inscribed his name as one of the greats to ever play in the NHL, winning the Stanley Cup three times, and minding the net for the New Jersey Devils through numerous games. 

  • Have a Plan

    May 09, 2010

    In 1998 I started a long journey that I had dreamed about for most of my life—running a marathon. I made the commitment to run by registering for the Marine Corps Marathon in Washington, D.C. I was set to go but did not start running for a month. Crazy? I had a plan, my own plan. I began reading everything I could about running, or surviving, a marathon. I had never been to Washington, D.C., so I printed the course layout and studied every mile. I visually had a mental picture of each hill and the battles and challenges that were ahead. I started running on May 1 for the October marathon. I mapped out a plan for running, including weekly long runs, proper diet, and rest.

  • Ben Zobrist Study Series – Part III

    May 07, 2010


    Tampa Bay Rays All-Star Ben Zobrist wasn’t drafted by Major League Baseball out of high school. In fact, he wasn’t even offered a baseball scholarship to play in college. Yet, after attending a skills showcase the summer after his senior year, one college coach saw potential in Zobrist and offered him a position on the team.

    Now one of the brightest young infielders in the game, Zobrist has experienced a divine path to success—both on the field and off. Just before the start of the 2010 season, Zobrist sat down with FCA’s Sharing the Victory magazine to talk about that career, his family and, most importantly, his faith in Jesus Christ.

  • Grace for the Race

    May 06, 2010

    I was watching the highlights of the 1992 Summer Olympics when I could hardly believe my eyes. An amazing event had taken place during the 400-meter dash that afternoon. A runner from  Great Britain by the name of Derek Redmon had suffered a leg injury during the race and had fallen on the track.
    With no hope of placing, Derek refused to quit. He gathered himself to his feet and began to hobble to the finish line. Suddenly a man raced out of the stands and ran to Derek. This man placed his arm around the injured runner and arm-in-arm the two of them made it across the finish line. The man was Derek’s father. What a vivid example of living out the Christian life.
    The verses above call us to “work out” our salvation.

  • Create Content

    May 06, 2010


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  • Ben Zobrist Study Series – Part II

    May 06, 2010


    Tampa Bay Rays All-Star Ben Zobrist wasn’t drafted by Major League Baseball out of high school. In fact, he wasn’t even offered a baseball scholarship to play in college. Yet, after attending a skills showcase the summer after his senior year, one college coach saw potential in Zobrist and offered him a position on the team.

    Now one of the brightest young infielders in the game, Zobrist has experienced a divine path to success—both on the field and off. Just before the start of the 2010 season, Zobrist sat down with FCA’s Sharing the Victory magazine to talk about that career, his family and, most importantly, his faith in Jesus Christ.

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