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  • Fields of Faith Commitment Card

    August 18, 2009

    If you decide not to purchase the 21.5 Days with God resource, which has a Commitment card included in each copy, you can use this standalone commitment card.

    It is 3" x 5" and requires Microsoft Word.

  • Fields of Faith Impact Student & Adult Manual

    August 18, 2009


    A leadership guide to assist students and adults in understanding, planning and preparing their own testimony for the Fields of Faith program.

  • 21.5 Days With God Study Sheet

    August 18, 2009

    This one page PDF includes a simple approach to basic Bible study. It's a great way to get started if you've never read the Bible.

  • 21.5 Days With God Reading Plan

    August 18, 2009

    If you can't purchase the pocket Gospel, you can download the Reading Guide Word template and use the Avery 8371 business card templates to print from your office or home printer. No need to cut, the Avery sheets come perforated!

  • Fast Food Nation

    August 18, 2009


    Do you think you could fast from Fast Food for just 30 days?

  • Stay in the Huddle

    August 17, 2009


    FCA Camp was awesome again this year. If you’ve never been to one, I highly encourage you to check one out in the future!

    What makes FCA Camp so great? What is it about camp that we miss when we leave? Why do we want camp to last longer than a week? Think about it: FCA Camp offers an environment in which we are encouraged to be in God’s Word, to freely Worship Him, to enjoy fellowship with His people and to spend time with Him in Prayer. For one short week it seems that we can push away the things of this world and focus entirely on Him. We are truly abiding in Him. And when we abide in Him the things of this world fade away. Relationships are sweeter, worship is more focused and prayer seems richer.

  • The Fast Food Effect

    August 17, 2009


    Isn’t it time to stop eating Fast Food?

  • Challenges

    August 16, 2009


    Staleness is the first sign of decay. Avoiding getting stuck in a rut is key to any training schedule. All training regimes get old unless changes are made. The body plateaus and needs a new stimulus or it won’t improve. All exercise routines need variety. No matter how hard we work, we need change.

    Spiritually we also need to be challenged, or we go stale. There is nothing spiritual about sitting in the same pew for 30 years. Recently I asked a man who ran a retreat center if he had seen any other retreat centers lately? He replied with an air of conceit that he had been too busy ministering and had not seen any other center in 10 years. His center had that sad stale smell.

  • Live Extreme!

    August 14, 2009


    This summer I was helping out a summer program with a series of outdoor trips.  On one of the trips, we went whitewater rafting in the morning and then whitewater kayaking in the afternoon.  Oh, and the river was a scorching 52 degrees.  One of the other leaders and I wanted to go down the major rapid at the end while holding a sign in hopes of getting our picture on the display board.

  • Anxious & Worried?

    August 14, 2009


    Is there a spiritual solution for my fear and anxiety? You bet!

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