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  • Signs and Secret Codes

    December 19, 2009


    Coaches often use signals in competition to tell players which play to run, which pitch to throw, where to attack or defend, and more. It’s the best way to remind a team what they need to do without letting the other team find out.

    Not many know that a familiar Christmas carol was really a song of hidden messages. In the early 16th century, British Catholics were forbidden by law to practice their faith. Anyone caught speaking or writing of his or her faith was arrested or executed. In a time of persecution, similar to the Christians in Rome, Catholics in England went underground. They met and studied secretly and had signs to share their faith.

  • Pray Like Birdie

    December 17, 2009

    Birdie Pitts served Christ for all of her 92 years on earth. On August 9, 2001, she went home to be with the Lord. She was my first official FCA prayer warrior when I started with FCA almost 20 years ago. Little did I know, however, that Birdie had actually started praying for me 11 years before I even joined FCA. I was in eighth grade when I first met two buddies, James and Tim (Birdie’s grandson), at a summer camp in New York. Not only did I make two lifetime friends at that camp, but I also made a commitment to full-time ministry.

  • Trials

    December 17, 2009


    As I sit down to write this blog, I find myself in an all too familiar situation.  My team is in Denver ready to play the Avalanche and I am sitting in my house in Virginia, injured.  I got hurt last week and am hoping to be back by Christmas.  You never really get used to being injured or facing adversity, but you can change to way you respond to it.    After sitting out for 15 months with some eye and head issues, everything was going according to plan.  I was back to 100% and feeling very healthy.  My team has been playing well and I have been performing up to my own expectations.  Then it came to a screeching halt with a rib injury that will put me out for a few weeks.  God has a way of teaching us, and it seems that His favorite too

  • 2010 FCA Resources iPod Giveaway

    December 16, 2009


    Here's how it works:

  • Ken Smith on the December Chaplains Conference Call

    December 15, 2009


    Ken Smith served as a Chaplain for Bobby Bowden at Florida State, Brad Scott and South Carolina, and Jackie Sherrill at MSU.  Ken shares, "Lessons from the old guy, things I wish I knew then that I know now".  Many of you who are on FCA staff may remember Ken from Real Time where he served as our MC.  Ken is currently the Pastor at FBC Wauchula Flordia.  

  • In God We Trust

    December 14, 2009


    The days leading up to my first Ironman triathlon were filled with excitement. Of course, there were other, less positive thoughts, too. What if I got kicked in the face during the swim? What if I crashed on my bike? What if I wasn't strong enough to make it through the run and couldn't finish? As my husband and I were walking to check my bike in the day before the race, I saw a penny on the ground and picked it up. It was then that I remembered a story that I had heard. . .

  • Do You Need Help?

    December 14, 2009


    The player was struggling, missing foul shot after foul shot in practice. Obviously frustrated, the player continued after practice working on her game. Her coach sat idly by, watching. He got up to watch more closely. Rebounding miss after miss he offered, "Do you want me to help you?" "No, I do not. I can fix my own problem," she shot back. He smiled and continued to rebound.

  • Stay Put

    December 13, 2009


    Recently I was in a rough part of the world leading girls basketball clinics. I traveled by myself to work with some local believers. The word spread about the clinics and soon there was a lot of media coverage, including the national television station. I began to worry, as I did not want the whole country to know I was there. The next day a suicide bomb killed 20 people in the city where I was. Then my picture showed up on the cover of their newspaper for the work I was doing. I received a phone call from staff in the States advising that I get on the next flight out, but first to talk with my hosts and pray.

  • Surrendering

    December 09, 2009


    We, as athletes do not wish for weakness, nor want anyone to see weakness in us. But weaknesses are instruments that can be used to make us stronger, if we have the courage to face them. In dealing with weaknesses, we must learn to surrender—to admit we have a shortcoming, then be willing to work on it. Sometimes it can be corrected; sometimes it must be accepted. Either way, surrendering will lead to the success of our team and produce maturity in us.

  • The Ultimate Team

    December 07, 2009


    At the beginning of this soccer season, we had a good combination of experienced/inexperienced starters and substitutes. I thought we were right where we needed to be. We jumped out to a 3-0 record. But then we lost a key forward due to a broken leg, and, two weeks later, our leading scorer broke his ankle. Fortunately, my players took it upon themselves to step it up. The bad thing was that each player did what he thought the team needed. They stopped listening to coaching instruction, stopped playing as a team and relied on their own individual talents. The season started to fall apart, and they found themselves at 3-4. It was time to rally the troops!

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