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  • How’s Your Serve?

    November 25, 2009


    Moses warned the Israelites against failing to serve God. We should take this warning to heart. Jesus tells us, “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you did for Me” (Matthew 25:40b). When serving God, we cannot help but serve others; and in serving others, we serve God.

    Sports like tennis and volleyball require serving the ball. In an article, “Six Steps to a Better Serve,” the author wrote, “Serving is a skill that takes years of practice to master, and something that you can always improve upon. . . . Keep at it, take your time, and practice lots.” This applies to serving others as well.

  • Tell Me What to Do

    November 25, 2009


    Wanna get healthy - just do these things!

  • STV Hockey Interview

    November 24, 2009


  • Discouragement in Ministry

    November 24, 2009


    One of FCA's core values for a chaplain is a proper attitude.  Specifically our attitude should be one of encouragement rather than a critical spirit.  But what does a chaplain do when he himself is facing discouragement.

    Join Dr. John Ed Mathison as he shares from his 45 years of ministry experience, "How to be an encourager even in discouraging times."

    For more about John Ed Mathison, check out his website.

    October 8.mp3

  • Names Engraved

    November 24, 2009


    Hockey Chat: The Stanley Cup is the only trophy in professional sports that has the names of winning players, coaches, management and club staff engraved and passed to the new winner year after year.

  • Ministering to the Professional Athlete

    November 24, 2009


    Chad Bonham sits down with NASCAR Sprint Cup Chaplain Tim Griffin for  Tim talks about tour chaplaincy, ministering to professional athletes, and the upcoming 2010 FCA Chaplains Conference in Kansas City.  

    Tim Griffin is the Vice President and Director of Spiritual Formation for Motor Racing Outreach as well as the lead NASCAR Chaplain.  He will be the keynote speaker at the 2010 FCA Chaplains Conference.

    FCA Chaplains Conference

    Learn More About Tim and MRO

    Download the Podcast: 

  • Quit Comparing

    November 24, 2009


    Quit comparing your life to everybody else! The grass is always greener…

  • Dead To That

    November 23, 2009


    Mike was a great athlete. He could play almost any sport with ease. He was popular, and everyone wanted to follow his example. Mike had given his heart to Christ and had begun following God's plan, but his old friends and old ways resurfaced often. So, when he was approached recently by his friends who were going out to party and wanted him to attend, Mike had to make a choice.

  • Excuses Kill

    November 23, 2009


    If you are good at making excuses you won’t be good at anything else.

  • Stress Relief!

    November 21, 2009


    Less stress is best! Try these tips to ‘cast your cares’!

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