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  • Mythbusters - Eating Healthy is too expensive

    April 16, 2009


    While eating healthy can be expensive, but there are easy ways to cut costs and still eat healthy!

  • A Lifetime Achievement

    April 15, 2009


    A wise man once said, “When you are through learning, you are through!” I don’t know who actually said that, but my father repeated it often. As he would patiently try to teach his sons various sports, he would catch us occasionally not paying attention. We would make simple mistakes that, if we had been listening, wouldn’t have happened.

    Solomon was a wise man. He could’ve easily thought he had gained all the knowledge he needed, but understood a simple concept: if we don’t pay attention, listen, and learn, we won’t get the knowledge needed to further our understanding in life. We can learn a lesson from Solomon and other believers of his day: Learning is not just for young people; it is a lifetime process.

  • Mythbusters - It’s not my fault!

    April 15, 2009


    Are you ever tempted to blame somebody else for the situation you are in?

  • Mythbusters - It’s easy to get in shape!

    April 14, 2009


    If you buy in to the 6-minute Abs or “no sweat” workout, you might believe that it is easy to get in shape!

  • Mythbusters - I can eat whatever I want…

    April 13, 2009


    Is it true that as long as I exercise I can eat whatever I want?

  • Ken Hutcherson with Ron Brown

    April 11, 2009


    Pastor, popular speaker and former football player Ken Hutcherson talks about a number of different issues concerning the Christian Life.

  • #85 - StVRP - Ben Zobrist, Lee Brown, Ken Hutcherson & Les Steckel

    April 11, 2009


    Tampa Bay Rays utility player Ben Zobrist, FCA Nashvile Urban Director Lee Brown, pastor and former football player Ken Hutcherson and FCA President Les Steckel.

  • Superman

    April 11, 2009


    Stronger than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, faster than a speeding bullet . . . Who is this? You know it’s Superman. Or is it referring to what is expected of athletes today? The push to get bigger, faster, and stronger is quite evident around teams and weight rooms across the country. We see athletes who weigh 300 pounds running and jumping like guys nearly half their weight. How impressive is that? Yet if it isn’t used properly, all that talent and strength can go to waste.

  • He's Got Your Back

    April 10, 2009


    It has been said that life is not a playground, but a battleground. Most battles happen in the unseen world and play out in the physical world. Knowing this, God gives us spiritual armor to be prepared for battle. Every piece of armor—the belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, shoes of peace, shield of faith, helmet of salvation, and sword of the Spirit—protects from the front. None provide protection for our backs. In fact, we are instructed in Philippians 3 to forget what is behind and strain toward what is ahead. God has our back. He gives us no armor for our backside because He has it covered. When we are right with God and confess our sins, we have nothing to fear. Proverbs 3 tells us that when we use good judgment, our sleep will be sweet.

  • Top 10 - Exercise 101

    April 10, 2009


    You will love the way you feel!

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