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  • Top 10 - Exercise

    April 09, 2009


    Do you really have to exercise to be healthy?

  • He Must Increase

    April 08, 2009


    John the Baptist was the man! He was the herald prophesied by Isaiah — the voice of one crying in the wilderness. He was the great baptizer of the people, the one who drew crowds everywhere he went. Yet he knew a time would come when his “star status” would diminish.

    Fast-forward to 2009. Tyler Hansbrough, the reigning NCAA Player of the Year, had to make a choice for the sake of his team. In order to help his team attain their goal of a national championship, he would need to take a "back seat" to Ty Lawson. His scoring average fell, and he graciously passed the mantle of leadership to Lawson. When asked about the shift in his role, Hansbrough repeatedly said, “I'll do whatever it takes to help this team get to the championship."

  • Top 10 - Eat Like Daniel

    April 08, 2009


    What did Daniel really eat?

  • Top 10 - Sleep

    April 07, 2009


    Sleep is to your body as recharging is to your battery!

  • Encouragement from the Stands

    April 06, 2009


    This weekend Michigan State University’s men’s basketball team pulled off an upset of the UCONN Huskies to advance to tonight’s NCAA national championship game against North Carolina. Now, I don’t know if you saw the game or not, but it certainly seemed to me that there was a lot of green in the stands in support of the Spartans. With the Final Four being held in Detroit, which is only about 90 miles from MSU’s campus, it would be safe to say that the Spartans were at a great advantage. And I have no doubt that it helped them keep momentum as they went on to victory on Saturday night.

  • Top 10 - FAST from Fast Food

    April 06, 2009


    Tons of sodium, calories and saturated fat are waiting! Keep them waiting!

  • Available

    April 05, 2009


    When we avail ourselves to God, He manifests more of His character in us, making the extraordinary become the ordinary, as in the story of Daniel. Success often follows obedience and trust in God. As a result of Daniel’s obedience, he prospered in his position and caused the hearts of the people to be turned toward God.

    Available hands reflect an available heart. When we are prepared to let God use us, He is prepared to do remarkable things through us. God’s presence and help is available to us every moment and everywhere. He is always with us, listens to us, and pursues us with His love.

  • #84 - StVRP - Kay Yow, Sylvia Hatchell, Donna Noonan, Jane Albright & Les Steckel

    April 04, 2009


    A special program remembering the life of North Carolina State women’s basketball coach Kay Yow who passed away on January 24, 2009.

  • Don’t Shut Me Out

    April 03, 2009


    The college baseball season is in full swing, and I am spending many hours on a bus and away from my family. Unfortunately, my daily devotionals usually take a hit during this time of the year.

    One night in the spring of 2008, God called me on it. I relish the opportunity to read to my daughters. My wife and I make it a priority to read at least one Bible story to them each night. One evening, as we finished reading, my oldest daughter noticed me closing the Bible and setting it on the night stand next to her bed. She asked why I closed the Bible, and I told her that we were done reading for the night and that it was time to go to bed. She said, “Daddy, I know but I would like the Bible to stay open. Please don’t close it.”

  • Kay Yow Speech at 2008 Women’s Final Four

    April 03, 2009


    Former North Carolina State women’s basketball coach Kay Yow, who passed away on January 24, 2009 after a long battle with cancer, gives an inspirational speech at an FCA Breakfast during the 2008 Final Four.

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