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  • Gap-Free Living

    December 09, 2010


    There is a story from the French Revolution that tells of a man who was seen running after a mob. As he moved quickly into danger, somebody screamed, “Stop! Stop! Don’t follow that mob!” He continued to sprint toward them, calling back, “I have to follow them! I’m their leader!”

  • Where’s Your Dad?

    December 08, 2010


    Dave Barnes is a coach at a large public school in Spokane, Washington. He is a legendary, state-honored coach, having led his teams to city championships in each of the last twenty years. However, what is more impressive than all his titles is the fact that he is a father to so many of his students and athletes. When Dave was two years old his father abandoned the family, remarried, and moved to another state. When his mother remarried three years later, this new dad became a true father to him. Sadly, when Dave was ten years old, his stepfather was struck by lightening and killed. His mother married a third time a few years later, but this new stepfather was an alcoholic. Dave never really had a dad who lasted.

  • What’s Your Favorite Sport?

    December 06, 2010


    Do you have a favorite sport? Maybe, maybe not, but regardless of the type of game we enjoy, our favorite aspect of any sport ought to be respect. We owe respect to our opponent and to ourselves, as well as to the sport we are playing. The name for such respect is sportsmanship, and it also includes courtesy and fairness. I’ve discovered a sportsman-like attitude in golf and in track more than in other sports. Golf is typically played with honor. Winning first place in track isn’t crucial; a runner can earn points for finishing third, fourth, or even fifth place.

  • Game Changer Magalog 2011

    December 06, 2010

    Game Changer Magalog 2011

    The 2011 Camp magalog is a multi-page PDF that highlights the Game Changer camp theme as well as a variety of other camp information.

    Information focuses on:

    • Theme
    • Sports Camp
    • Leadership Camps
    • Team Camps
    • Power Camps
    • Coaches Camps
    • Partnership Camps
    • International Camps
    • & More!

    This is a great promotoinal piece that cleraly explains the FCA camp ministry and introduces people to all that FCA offers during the summer.

  • Game Changer 2011

    December 06, 2010


  • FCA Teams Playbook

    December 04, 2010

    FCA Teams Playbook

    The FCA Teams Playbook is designed to equip, encourage and empower FCA Teams coaches. This resource outlines the philosophies and guidelines expected of FCA Teams coaches, players and parents.

    This playbook will play a powerful role in providing a framework for coaches to unite their teams with a common purpose, vision and mission and to accomplish their goals and objectives.

    Download the complete FCA Teams Playbook using the link below.

    This document requires Adobe Acrobat Reader. (PDF)

  • Case Keenum Video Devotion Series – Part II

    December 03, 2010


    After leading the nation in total offense and passing yards per game last season, University of Houston quarterback Case Keenum was all set to lead the Cougars to another great run in 2010. That all changed, however, when in just their third game Keenum suffered a season-ending knee injury that forced him to the sideline for his senior season. As a man of faith, the injury forced Keenum to rely on the Lord in new ways and to fully trust in the Lord’s ultimate plan.

  • Case Keenum Video Devotion Series – Part I

    December 02, 2010


    After leading the nation in total offense and passing yards per game last season, University of Houston quarterback Case Keenum was all set to lead the Cougars to another great run in 2010. That all changed, however, when in just their third game Keenum suffered a season-ending knee injury that forced him to the sideline for his senior season. As a man of faith, the injury forced Keenum to rely on the Lord in new ways and to fully trust in the Lord’s ultimate plan.

  • 2010 KCFCA Leadership Camp

    December 02, 2010


    Below are links to the audio files from the 2010 Kansas City FCA Leadership Camp held at Mid-America Nazarene University. Additional files will be added as they become available.All files are in MP3 format.

  • Case Keenum

    December 01, 2010


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