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  • Heartbreak

    May 18, 2010


    Years of effort, sacrifice, and planning come down to this game. The commitment of the coaches and players has brought them to this point, and the payoff is right in front of them. The time of growth and struggle is finally paying off. A one-win season has grown into a three-win and then into a five-win season. The program has reached a point of respectability. The goal that has been front and center for years is finally in reach—the conference championship.

  • Runner’s Retribution

    May 18, 2010


    Before we dive in with the message of today’s devotion, I have to tell you a little secret. Ever want to know why runners often run on streets instead of using the perfectly good sidewalks that are just a few feet away? Great question! It’s actually because we know that paved surface is better for our joints than concrete sidewalks. We run on the roads because we know our bodies will appreciate the surface of the road more than the surface of the sidewalk.

  • Focus In Chaos

    May 17, 2010


    Years ago when I first started coaching high school players, I made the mistake of throwing far too much at them in a short period of time.  After just getting out of college, I tried to install things my players were not even close to being able to implement, but concepts that seem familiar and easy to me.  

  • Headwind

    May 14, 2010

    Bicycle touring is a favorite hobby of mine. There’s just something satisfying about hitting the open road on a bike. You pack your bags, check your tires, fill your water bottle, and start pedaling. A sense of adventure takes over as you venture through the countryside, visit small towns, and work up a good sweat exercising. It’s great fun.

  • A Guaranteed Victory

    May 13, 2010

    I didn’t know what was happening. I couldn’t breathe. It was the final moments of a close game and all of a sudden I began to hyperventilate. Many thoughts ran through my mind. One was of getting a bag and breathing into it; but how would
    it look if the head coach were catching his breath with a bag around his head while the team tried to finish well. Finally our linebacker intercepted a pass and when he did, my breathing returned. It’s interesting that my panic subsided once I knew the outcome of the game.

  • The Hardest Thing in Sports

    May 13, 2010


    If you had to guess, what would you say is the hardest thing to do in sports? Win a national championship? Go undefeated for a season? Maybe just winning your conference if the competition is tough. Or, you could say it is an individual action like sinking a hole-in-one or hitting a 90-mph fastball. To be honest, though, I would have to say that none of these is the hardest thing to do in sports. I personally think the toughest thing we can do is to play and coach like Jesus.

    Now, hopefully we all understand that competing for and like Christ doesn’t involve being a doormat. The Bible I read doesn’t tell me to be a pushover for the competition. If we look at the verses from Philippians 2:1-4, we see a description of how we are to compete for His glory.

  • Having a Plan

    May 12, 2010

    As coaches, we should never go into a game without a plan. We need to put our athletes in the best possible position to be successful. At Swansea High School we try to have a plan for every situation so we are not caught off guard. Planning ahead allows us to handle adversity when it hits in the form of an injury or giving up a big play. John Wooden once said, “Either you overcome adversity, or it overcomes you.” The only way to overcome it is with a solid plan.

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