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  • Love the Game

    August 27, 2009

    How much do you love your sport? Is it something for which you make sacrifices? What are you willing to give up to compete at your absolute best? What will it cost you to play your heart out?

    We who love sport and seek to compete honorably, wisely and successfully express our love in specific ways. Some are listed below.
    § We speak well of our game. We talk about it in a loving manner.
    § We sacrifice for it. We carve out time from busy schedules to train, to watch video, to get in some extra practice and to rehab injuries.
    § We respect the game. We refuse to act in ways which cast our sport in a poor light. We won’t cheat its rules and we won’t tolerate others who do.

  • Back to School - Kids & Lunch

    August 27, 2009


    So what are the best options for lunch to help your kids focus all day long?

  • Back to School - Kids & Breakfast

    August 26, 2009


    What should your kids be eating for optimal performance at school?

  • Back to School - Kids & Performance

    August 25, 2009


    How important is breakfast for your kids’ performance in school?

  • Black Mountain Coaches Camp

    August 24, 2009


  • Back to School Routine

    August 24, 2009


    It’s hard to believe, but the summer is over! What a great opportunity to get back on track with your health!

  • The Aroma of Sport

    August 21, 2009

    I love the aromas associated with sport. I recall vividly the smells, both beautiful and not so pleasant, from my life of playing my heart out.

    I love the aroma of:
    · Icy Hot on my elbow on October evenings as I drove to the softball field.
    · My new baseball glove with 3 in 1 oil rubbed into it, a ball in the pocket and tied shut with a shoestring – laid carefully by my pillow for the night.
    · Charcoal smoke wafting from nearby tailgaters into the football stadium during pre-game on fall afternoons.
    · Newly mowed, dewy grass on spring mornings at high school baseball parks.

  • Fast Food & Kids

    August 21, 2009


    With an epidemic of obesity on our hands, we can choose better than fast food.

  • Fast Food & Better Choices

    August 20, 2009


    Can you make better choices if you go to a fsat food restaurant?

  • Super Size Me

    August 19, 2009


    Can eating Fast Food on a regular basis cause serious decline in health?

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