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  • 3 Minute Drill - Colt McCoy Video Study

    December 01, 2009


    Sharing the Victory magazine sat down with University of Texas quarterback Colt McCoy to talk about integrity, serving, teamwork and excellence. Walk through this four part study by using the questions and videos below.

    Part I:

    1.What was Colt McCoy’s definition of integrity? Do you agree or disagree


    2. McCoy says that a Christian athlete should play with integrity. Why is that important?


    3. How does it affect others to see integrity modeled on the field?


  • Beauty is Skin Deep

    November 30, 2009


    Are you more concerned with Appearance or Reality?

  • Change Your World

    November 29, 2009


    King Josiah was just eight years old when he began to change his world. Even at such a young age he decided to live in the ways of the Lord and do what was right in His eyes. I wonder if we are doing what is right in the eyes of the Lord at our age.

    God asks us to change our lives—our worlds. If we think about it, our personal lives are pretty much our world. We feel like the world is falling apart when we are having difficulties. We do have the power to change a world—our world—when we rely on Christ, “not turn[ing] to the right or to the left.” And I believe that we can have an impact on others as well when we do “what is right in the Lord’s sight.” Don’t just read it!

  • Lion Living

    November 28, 2009


    Wicked people live life with their heads on a swivel—looking for anybody or anything that might be after them. They might even sleep with one eye open! They live restlessly and peace is a foreign object. On the outside, these people may look like they have it all together, but inside their lives are complete messes. They only know wickedness, so they suspect everybody is just like them. Hence, they run even when no one is pursuing them.

  • Enjoying or Indulging?

    November 26, 2009


    When does enjoying God’s blessing become an excuse to Indulge?

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