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  • No "I" in Team

    July 22, 2010


    In sixteen years as the coach of the Boston Celtics, Red Auerbach guided his team to nine NBA championships. He retired after the 1966 season as the winningest coach in NBA history with 938 wins. While his teams had some great players, they were characterized more by their team play, which included a new concept of using role players. According to Auerback, a role player is one who “willingly undertakes the thankless job that has to be done in order to make the whole package fly.”

  • Jamie Jelinek

    July 20, 2010


    Jamie Jelinek, Senior Forward at Holy Cross shares how he can be so full of joy despite limited playing time on the ice. 


  • On Leadership - Lifelong Lessons from a One Week Camp

    July 20, 2010


    The following was cultivated from an FCA Leadership Camp held at Point 11 at Table Rock Lake.
    These are simply key take away points and nuggets of truth for everyone to reflect on.

    Gospel: Leadership begins and ends with the gospel. That is that we were once separated from God by the penalty of our wrong doings. We could not earn our way to God by any amount of our own goodness so God came to us as the man Christ Jesus. As Jesus, He then died, on a cross, in our place and for our sin. In doing so, Jesus took our penalty, brought forgiveness by His death, and granted us right relationship with God by His resurrection when we rethink our actions, thoughts, and words and trust in Jesus Christ's finished work of the cross.

  • New Beginnings

    July 20, 2010


    “In the beginning, God created…” These are familiar words to most people. We know the conclusion of this verse refers to the creation of the world.

    Sometime in a humorous vein, those of us who love baseball will try to identify the Creator with our game by quoting the above as “In the big inning…” I believe there is an important lesson to be learned from the first five words in the Bible, one that relates more to those of us who live on the earth than to the earth itself.

  • Time Traps

    July 19, 2010


    “Back in ’82, I used to be able to throw a pigskin a quarter mile. How much you want to make a bet I can throw a football over them mountains? Yeah. If coach would've put me in fourth quarter... We'd have been state champions, no doubt. No doubt in my mind. You better believe things would have been different. I'd have gone a heartbeat. I'd be makin' millions of dollars and...livin' in a... big ol' mansion somewhere.” - Uncle Rico, “Napoleon Dynamite”

  • Be Ready!

    July 17, 2010


    Baseball immortal Ty Cobb, one of the greatest hitters of all time, was also a base- stealing “demon” during his playing days. In his autobiography, My Life in Baseball, the True Record, Cobb admitted that often he would use trickery to fool his opponents and steal a base.

  • Conference Call Training #6

    July 16, 2010


    Best Practices with Roger Lipe along with FCA staff members Johnny Shelton of Virginia Tech and Brad Long of Franklin College in Indiana.

    SCTCC6a.mp3 Part 1

    SCTCC6b.mp3 Part 2

  • Stick with It

    July 14, 2010


    This morning when I stepped outside my door for my daily run, I was greeted by the crazy heat and humidity of a Midwest July morning. Usually the heat doesn’t affect my running as much because I run during the coolest part of the day right before sunrise. But today, it was like someone forgot to turn on the air conditioner. It was over 80 degrees and, boy, was it humid.

  • Ian Marshall Testimony

    July 12, 2010


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