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  • Looking Forward

    July 01, 2010


    Teresa was one of those athletes who was all spirit, gifted with more determination than natural talent. But her Christian faith and love for soccer had a powerful effect on my other public high school players. If I needed a surge of enthusiasm to flow through my team, I looked to Teresa.

    On a difficult practice one day, Teresa struggled to finish a long distance run. As I jogged to the end of the line to encourage her, she glanced upward and shouted, “Take me now, Lord Jesus, take me now so I don’t have to finish!” We both laughed so hard we were through running in no time!

  • Coach Jesus

    June 30, 2010


    Now is the time for commitment.  Today is the day of salvation.  God wants you to know that 99 and a half percent won't do.  If you've been a curious onlooker of Jesus and His cross for some time, then it's time to stop looking at the cross and time to get on it.  Die to self, die to your own play book, die to your own game plan.  Give it all to Jesus and take up Jesus life, His play book, and His game plan.  Let Jesus take His rightful place as Coach of your life, not assistant coach as if you're still in charge, but as Head Coach where He is truly in charge. 

  • Escape From Lo-debar

    June 30, 2010


    Mephibosheth had lived in Lo-debar since the death of his father, Jonathan, and his grandfather, King Saul. He desperately wanted to leave the forsaken town that was a constant reminder of his father and grandfather’s deaths. He was faced with the constant threat that the Philistines would kill him as well. As a cripple, he had trouble traveling and feared returning to Jerusalem, since it was customary for a new king to eliminate all members of the former royal family to prevent retaliation to the throne. Mephibosheth must have yearned for a better life.

  • What Spirit Are You Following?

    June 30, 2010

    Man's laws don't always jive with God's laws or Spirit, just as God's laws are not subject to man's laws, doctrine or acts. But the fruit of the Spirit? These are all of God. Anything that is not of God is rebellious in nature. Do you have a rebellious spirit or one of God? Are you contentious or anxious when things don't go your way on the court? Do you live a confused life? Do you honestly prefer positives or negatives? Is everything in your life one big mess?

  • Helping Athletes Transition from High School, to College, to Pro

    June 29, 2010


    Dr. Gary Cramer, FCA Director at the University of Alabama, discusses a chaplains role in helping athletes transition from High School, to college, and on to the professional ranks.



  • Living Is Christ, Dying Is Gain

    June 29, 2010


    As a Christian, I understand the meaning of Philippians 1:21, but the events of 1999 gave me a new perspective on the verse. God had blessed me with wonderful, caring parents despite the fact that my father did not walk in the light. My mother, on the other hand, had my two siblings and myself in church every time the doors were open. Many nights I would awaken to her praying and weeping for my father’s salvation. My father was a provider who loved his family more than anything and worked long, hard hours at a factory to demonstrate that love. He gave us material things, but all I wanted was for him to be happy and walk in God’s victorious peace.

  • Seek No Gratitude or Pity

    June 28, 2010


    My dad was  a simple man. I know he did not have a resume or belonged any major civic, political or religious organizations or did things to impress the boss. I do know  that he got on his kness and prayed almost daily. He provided for his family, took pride in his work as a city employee and loved baseball. This July 25th he would've celebrated his 82nd birthday.

  • Gary Steffes

    June 28, 2010


    Gary Steffes discusses his successful career as a forward at Miami of Ohio, the Frozen Four and a radical change brought about by faith in Christ.


  • Taking Grace for Granted

    June 28, 2010


    I know all of us have heard about "the story," right? The story of how we are forgiven for all our sins because Jesus came and died for us.

    Last weekend I was in Medford playing soccer. In our last game, I was a little too fired up and used some words I don't want to mention again. And before the game I had specifically said, "Lord, I’m playing for You." After the game was over I realized that I had completely gone back on my word. I’d gotten caught up in the competition.

  • Share the Victory

    June 25, 2010

    Share the Victory

    The single most foundational truth of the Christian faith is what the Bible refers to as the gospel; that is the good news of Jesus Christ.  It is quite possibly the most overlooked part of our relationship to God, or lack there of, yet is absolutely the most essential aspect of knowing and connecting with Him. 

    Without the good news of Jesus the Bible has no validity.  Without the good news of Jesus our faith is worthless. Without the good news of Jesus we have absolutely no hope of ever entering God's kingdom, learning His ways, knowing Him, going to heaven, or enjoying the life God intends for us to have.  (1 Corinthians 15:12-28; 2 Thessalonians 1:5-12).

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