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  • Is Something Missing?

    August 02, 2010


    How many of you have played with Lego's, Lincoln Logs, or Erector Sets? When you were young the potential for building cool designs was huge. Sometimes my brother would spend hours designing items, and when he was done he usually had a pretty amazing creation. There was no greater frustration, however, than to be missing a piece. You put time into building something perfect and then it couldn't be finished because you were missing a window or door.

  • Pain

    August 02, 2010


    The Gospels indicate that Jesus was flogged, mocked, and spit upon. His wrists were nailed to the cross, crushing and severing nerves and producing excruciating bolts of pain in both arms. Jesus’ feet were probably fastened with one iron spike driven through both feet. This type of crucifixion greatly interfered with normal breathing, especially exhaling. Adequate exhalation required lifting the body by pushing up on the feet and flexing the elbows. This put all the weight of the body on the foot wounds which caused even more pain. Each breath became more agonizing until; finally, he cried out in a loud voice, “It is finished!”

  • It's Only Cheating If You Get Caught...

    August 01, 2010


    Whether it is your first year in sports or you have been involved in athletics for many years, I think it is safe to say we all have heard the saying; "It's only cheating if you get caught."  I have never really been a rule breaker in sports. Now, I say "never REALLY" because I am certain I have broken rules on occasion in my days of playing sports. More than likely it was because I probably did not even know of the rule I was breaking.

  • Don't Stop Preaching

    July 31, 2010


    Every single person is in a position to lead…it doesn’t matter how good you are at your sport, or how popular you are on your campus, every person has the opportunity to influence other people.

    I played JV soccer this past year at my high school, but I’m friends with all of the Varsity guys and I would always talk and hangout with them.

  • influence

    July 30, 2010


    As coaches, we have the opportunity to exert a powerful influence on the young people we coach. This influence is partly related to our coaching style and personalities. It is also related to the role we play in the lives of student athletes. We determine whether or not a young person will make the team and be a significant contributor.

    We have all witnessed “in your face” coaches whose intensity rises to the level of demeaning individual athletes. The “in your face” style works on occasion if it’s used to challenge young athletes to improve their skills. However, when it is carried to extremes, it causes much more harm than good. No one wants to be humiliated by someone they respect and who determines their success on the team.

  • In the Zone

    July 30, 2010


    How many times have you heard it said that an athlete is “in the zone”? You know exactly what that means. Every athlete wants to get in that zone. When we’re there, we don’t feel any pain. We don’t feel exhaustion. We feel pretty close to unbeatable.

  • Sharks and Minnows

    July 29, 2010


    Sharks and Minnows can be played outside or in a gym.

    In the gym, you can use the baseline and mid court line of the basketball court. The boundaries are from sideline to sideline. If outside, you will need to draw or tape lines about 30-40ft apart. Have the group all stand on one of the lines (they will be the minnows).

    Pick one kid to stand on the opposite line (they will be the shark. On you word, the minnows will try to run to the other line and avoid being tagged by the shark. The shark tries to tag as many minnows as they can. If a minnow is tagged, they turn into a shark for the next round.

    Physical Activity Level: 
    Group Size: 

  • Only One

    July 29, 2010


  • Not an Expert

    July 29, 2010

    Not an Expert

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