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  • Are you Ready?

    September 24, 2009


    Life is not always easy. Are you ready for what it may bring?

  • High Performance Fuel

    September 23, 2009


    God designed food for our bodies to help us “perform” at the highest level!

  • Weighed Down?

    September 23, 2009


    Life can get heavy in more ways than one!

  • Strength in Numbers

    September 22, 2009


    There is more than one person who mentors me and speaks into my life. If I have an issue, I have five mentors on whom I can call, and they all give me different perspectives. It takes many advisers to win the war. That doesn’t mean we should ask 100 people for advice. But there’s some godly counsel that you can have around to pour into your life, and it will keep your steps straight. That’s what happens with strength in numbers. That’s why I believe in accountability. If some issues are popping up, we can all come together in agreement and pull each other out of a bad situation. That’s a powerful thing. A lot of times, we don’t get enough people around us. We might just have one.

  • The Ring

    September 22, 2009


    A while ago I went on a training run with my wife to get ready for my first 5k race in over a year. It felt great to get back out on the road, and the run was pretty uneventful.

    Later that night, we headed to a friend's house, and when I looked down, panic set in. My wedding ring was missing from my hand. I checked my pockets; nothing. I quietly walked outside to retrace my steps, and still nothing. When was the last time I'd had it? How could I lose the one thing that symbolized this important commitment in my life?

    During our training run the weather had been cool, my hands sweaty. Somewhere, during the four miles of sidewalks, intersections and city streets, my wedding ring had slipped off.

  • Everything in Moderation?

    September 21, 2009


    Is moderation the best strategy?

  • The Story of Gideon and Mideon

    September 19, 2009


    I. Introduction (Judges 6)

    • Israel had become an evil nation that had forgotten God’s laws (v 1a)
    • God allowed the Midianites to conquer Israel for seven years (v 1b)
    • The Midianites treated the Israelites very badly, robbing them and destroying their fields and crops (vv 2 – 5)
    • The Israelites prayed to be freed from the Midianites (v 7)

    II. God calls Gideon to free Israel (Judges 6)

  • Cuba

    September 19, 2009

    I just returned from a week in Cuba. I met with a number of sport federation officials and with people whose churches are doing ministry in sports. There is such a hunger for ministry in sport there that I was stunned. Their society has been so secularized that the integration of matters of faith have been totally removed from their approach to sport. Now when I or others speak about how one’s faith can be woven into the fabric of the sportsperson’s life, it’s like fresh, cool water to their souls and they want more.

  • Trainwreck

    September 18, 2009


    Every person should have a chair except one person. The chairs should be set up in a circle facing the middle.  The person without the chair will start.  He/she will say something true about him/herself (I am wearing a blue shirt, I have a sister, etc). If this is true for anyone else sitting in a chair, they must get out of their seat and find a new seat. The person in the middle who was just in the middle is also trying to find a seat.  The last person who does not find a seat turns into the person in the middle.  The tricky part is that you must move at least two (or three, depending on the size of your group) chair over.  You cannot move over just one chair.

    This game can last as long or as short as you want it to.

  • Inside Out Life Change

    September 18, 2009


    Lasting change always starts from the inside out!

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