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  • Play the Next Play, God’s Way?

    January 27, 2013


    Much like Paul, I also felt at times that I was the worst of sinners. I wondered how God could forgive me, how He could use me. I didn’t measure up. As a young football coach, I modeled myself after several older, rough and rugged, salty coaches who were known to be profane to the extreme and who had a “take no prisoners” attitude. It had worked for them; maybe it would work for me. Using these questionable techniques, I, too, became successful—as in wins and losses. I gained the respect of my peers and won trophies and accolades, but for what? There was still a major hole that needed to be filled—a Jesus hole.

  • Godless in Heart

    January 26, 2013

    The godless in heart, even when chastised by God for their foolishness, will not cry out to Him for help; instead, they store up anger and resentment. That sounds like some people I’ve known. Some players rebel against the coach’s leadership and suffer the consequences, but they never learn from them. They break the rules again, serve a suspension, and are restored to their teams, only to shift blame and return to their foolish ways. Such patterns of behavior reveal the nature of their hearts.

  • Simple Belief

    January 25, 2013


    I remember as a child, my school bus would arrive at an early time. Once I saw the bus coming, I would walk to the end of our lane and get on it. I didn’t have to wave my arms or plead for the driver to stop. I didn’t have to beg the driver, make payment, or qualify to get on that bus. I just walked up three steps, went to the back, and sat down. I never worried about the ability of the bus to transport me, nor was I concerned about finding a seat. I didn’t think about the bus being mechanically safe or the driver being certified. All I had to do was get on. If the bus driver asked me to sit down or stop throwing things, I did. He knew what was best for me, was concerned about my safety, and was determined to help me reach my destination.

  • Virtuous Woman

    January 25, 2013

    Virtuous Woman

    The goal of the FCA Virtuous Woman Curriculum is to present to women in the arena of athletics the privilege and challenge of learning and living out Biblical Womanhood in all areas of life. This goal is accomplished by introducing character traits found in female biblical characters that they can model in their own personal life.

    This is a question-driven small group Bible study which promotes discussion and guides participants to discover truth for themselves as they process questions and answers from the

    The study includes 11 sessions:

    • Introduction
    • Valor
    • Integrity
    • Resourcefulness
    • Trust in God
    • Uniqueness
    • Obedience
    • Unity
    • Service
    • The Gospel
    • Review


  • Evaluations

    January 24, 2013


    Whether it’s grading films, evaluating staff, or being evaluated by a superior, we’re all familiar with some standard of measurement—systems by which we determine how things are going. God has a system too. His system is called the Ten Commandments, found in Exodus 20. If we have broken even one of these commandments, the Bible says we’re guilty of breaking them all (Jms 2:10).

  • Should Have Listened

    January 23, 2013


    “It’s OK. They won’t hurt you.”
    “It will make you better, bigger, stronger.”
    “Don’t worry, no one will ever know...”

    These are some of the phrases that student-athletes hear when they are encouraged to take steroids. The pursuit of greatness is so powerful today that many athletes—young athletes—are doing things that put their lives in jeopardy. I am sure that there are two voices they are hearing, but there is only one that they should be listening to.

  • Wrestling with God

    January 22, 2013


    Jake was at a crossroads in his sport. He didn’t know what to do. Should he continue to strive every day and work hard only to sit the bench? Was it worth it? He was at a point in his career in which he needed to make a decision.

    Does this sound familiar? Many athletes face similar situations in their careers, and they wrestle with what to do.

  • The Three D's of Devotion

    January 21, 2013


    My dad loved to engage God daily and passionately challenged others to do so as well. It had not always been that way. Eighteen years ago he was an overcommitted businessman who would squeeze in a two-minute devotion in his car before running into his office. That changed when Brad Curl saw that my dad, who was on many ministry boards, was skimming with his devotions. To get his attention, Brad grabbed my dad and said, “Ed, stop playing with God. You are a Christian leader. Start diving into God’s Word and get serious! No more giving God leftovers!” That day marked my dad. No more two-minute devos! My dad’s life transformed as he feasted on God’s Word first thing every morning.

  • Debtor’s Prison

    January 20, 2013


    I sat with a coach whom I had known for years, discussing how to help someone in the midst of crisis. He desperately wanted to help, but, almost in tears, he revealed he could not because of his own finances. He was enslaved to debt. I wish I could say his story is the exception to the rule, but sadly it is not today. We live in an age of credit. An entire industry is built on encouraging us to incur large amounts of debt. Many companies earn more from interest than from the products they sell. Debt service takes a huge part of people’s income. Proverbs 22:7 clearly warns us about debt: “The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is a slave to the lender.” Debt causes us to shift our allegiance to those we owe and away from God.

  • Sidelined

    January 19, 2013


    Sometimes I have this dream about a big game. I’m prepared, ready, yet something’s missing. It could be I forgot my shoes, have the wrong uniform, or something is preventing me from getting into the game. The familiar dream began after a career-ending injury. You never know what the next day may bring, so play each day for the Lord. Adversity comes in various ways. Injuries are an area most athletes have to deal with at one point or another. Many are lucky and with God’s help play through an injury. However, it is hard to suffer an injury that requires rehabilitation or may take us out for the season. Satan brings thoughts of, Why me? Why give me this talent and take it away? Thoughts of quitting creep in.

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