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  • Board Chairman's Handbook

    February 25, 2014


    A resource just for Board Chairmen that outlines board operations and features board resources.

  • Board Training Workbook

    February 25, 2014


    A fill-in-the blank workbook for Leadership Board members to follow along during Board Training. This document requires Microsoft Word or compatible program to open.

  • Board Training Workbook: Staff Notes

    February 25, 2014


    Includes presentation notes and answer key to the Board Training Workbook. This document requires Microsoft Word or compatible program.

  • Intentional Integrity

    February 25, 2014


    The story of Joseph from the Old Testament is fairly familiar to most of us. We may recall that he was the 11th son of Jacob, who was sold by his brothers into slavery and wound up as a steward over the household of an official named Potiphar. Joseph eventually winds up attracting attention from Potiphar’s wife, and when he refuses her, she has him imprisoned.

  • Rubber-Band Faith

    February 24, 2014


    I love rubber bands. They are one of the greatest inventions ever! They are simple, practical, and useful. And, while there are many uses for them, one of the most basic functions of rubber bands is to hold a group of objects together.

    I always keep a rubber band around my wrist. You never know when you might need one! But my habit took on new meaning this past year when my friend and FCA teammate, Donnie Dee, who also wears one around his wrist, offered me a challenge. When I asked him why he wore his rubber band, he said that it was a constant reminder that God wanted to stretch him daily. I was converted on the spot!

  • Adhesiveness in Adversity

    February 23, 2014


    Without a doubt, one of the greatest lessons I have learned from athletics is that if you “stick with it,” good things can happen. I was once in a junior golf tournament with only three golfers in my division, with trophies awarded to the top two finishers. The second-place trophy was more beautiful than the first, so I secretly wanted it. I shot poorly on the first day of the two-day tournament. My two competitors were neck-and-neck, but I was a distant third. Though tempted to withdraw, I was not raised to be a quitter. When we came to the tournament’s next-to-last hole, I was still so far behind that I seemed a mere spectator. The hole was a relatively short par three over a lake. One of my competitors hit every single ball he had into the lake.

  • Use Your Gifts

    February 22, 2014


     No matter what sport we play or coach, each one of us has been given specific gifts. Whether we compete at the middle school, high school, college or professional level, each one of us has been given gifts. When we put those gifts to use according to God’s purpose for them, great things happen.

    God is the giver of every good thing. No matter where we are at in our athletic life, God gave us what we are using. He is the reason we can run, jump and throw. He is the reason we can swing a racquet, club or bat. There are even some world-class athletes who don’t run, but still use God’s gifts of athleticism. For instance, did you know that this year’s Boston Marathon was covered in less than two hours by an amazing athlete in a wheelchair?

  • The Whole Versus the Individual

    February 21, 2014


    It is hard to believe that David felt not one twinge of joy when Saul died; after all, Saul had made his life miserable for nearly twenty years. The sad truth is that neither Saul’s life nor his death glorified God. For that, David was sad, and in his lament of the bow, a song of sorrow, he chose to remember Saul’s accomplishments. David could have chosen to focus on the cruelty Saul inflicted upon him. Instead he chose to view Saul’s death from a national perspective rather than a personal one. God and Israel were David’s primary concerns, not himself, and he realized that he was merely one individual in an entire nation. It was largely this “kingdom” mentality, a teamminded approach, that allowed him to maintain proper perspective.

  • Who Will Stand?

    February 20, 2014


    It was August 1984, at Alamo Heights High School. I burst into the middle of the locker room and yelled, “Who are we going to beat this week?” The room erupted and players and coaches celebrated like we had just won the championship, before we had even played a game! During that excitement my life changed direction. Louie Reiniger, one of our players, got in my face and yelled, “Coach, will you come to FCA tonight?”

  • Life Change

    February 19, 2014


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