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  • Mythbusters - Eat whatever you want!

    June 09, 2008


    Hey, as long as you work out, you can eat whatever you want!  Right?

  • #41 - StVRP - John Dutton, David Thompson, Albert Long Jr. and Danny Lotz

    June 07, 2008


    John Dutton of the Colorado Crush, NBA Hall-of-Famer David Thompson, Albert Long, Jr. and Danny Lotz, FCA President Les Steckel

  • The Pursuit of Excellence

    June 06, 2008


    Get motivated to make the most of your life!

  • Fields of Faith: Basics

    June 05, 2008


  • The Great Commission

    June 05, 2008


    As athletes, coaches, and sports fans, how often do we strike up conversations about our favorite teams or sports? If you’re like me, I could talk for hours about my passion for endurance sports or even my love for the Atlanta Braves. But how often does the Lord creep into those same conversations with friends, coworkers, teammates and family members? The truth is that many of us like to stay in our little boxes and only speak about the Lord on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings. I have to remind myself that the “Great Commission,” given by Jesus Himself, didn’t give any timetable or day of the week.

  • Managing Expectations

    June 05, 2008


    Think Big, but set achievable expectations!

  • Fed Up

    June 04, 2008

    In the 2007 season, there has been a lot of attention on the Chicago Cubs, but not the kind they were hoping for after spending $300 million in the off season to improve the team. In a frustrating string of games, the Cubs lost six straight, saw two of its players in a fist fight that sent one to the hospital, and had a dirt-kicking tirade by manager Lou Piniella, which led to an ejection and indefinite suspension. After his ejection, Piniella said, "I'm fed up with some of the play we've had on the field."
    I applaud Lou Piniella's unwillingness to accept mediocre baseball from his club, but his methods are not what I would deem appropriate. The point, however, is that he will not accept anything but their best.

  • Self-Fulfillment

    June 04, 2008


    Last summer, as I sat in Yosemite Valley looking up at the famous El Capitan rock formation, I realized that I needed to come to grips with some things that I did not like about myself. I took out a piece of paper, and on it, I made three columns. At the top I wrote “Who am I,” “What do I want to change,” and “How am I going to get there.” As I started to write, I found if difficult to be honest with myself. But after I was done, I realized two vital things: (1) Nothing could happen without Christ, and (2) my days of self-fulfillment needed to end.

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