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  • Truly Productive

    July 06, 2011


    Solitude is a topic that has been on my heart for a long time. It seems like solitude and silence in the presence of God has become optional for us in today’s productivity-driven society. Because we aren’t tangibly achieving anything we can physically see, we don’t think there’s use in it. Or, that if we do take time out to sit silently before the Lord, it’s a waste of time since we’re not getting better at anything or furthering any sort of progress.

  • God’s Grace

    July 01, 2011


    Most of us who get these devotions have heard THE story—the account of Christ and His life, death and resurrection, and how we are forgiven for our sins and saved by faith in Him. It’s the ultimate and greatest story of all time!

    Well, a while ago, I was in Medford playing soccer. In our last game, I was a little too fired up and used some words that I don't want to mention again. Right before the game I had specifically said, "Lord, I’m playing for You." After the game was over I realized that I had completely gone back on my word and let myself get caught up in the emotions of competition.

  • It’s a Good Day

    June 28, 2011


    Every morning at the FCA National Support Center in Kansas City, we circle up in our Hall of Champions for a time of prayer at 8:30 a.m. We come together to pray over our FCA staff, athletes and coaches across the country; about events in the ministry; about things going on in the world; about personal requests—just whatever needs to be prayed for that day. During our time, we also read a Psalm of the week. What better way to kick off a time of prayer than by reading such real and authentic passages, many of which display raw emotions of every kind?

  • Which Yard Stick?

    June 15, 2011


    After I had my blood cholesterol levels checked last week, I met with the doctor to discuss my results. Because I exercise regularly and eat well, I anticipated good results. As I expected, the doctor said my results were great and that he was very pleased. In fact, he said he wished that all of his patients had such positive results and that 90 percent of them didn’t.

  • Get out of the Boat

    June 14, 2011


    Over the past few years, the technology for swim gear has improved drastically. During the Olympics in the 70s, the average male swimmer probably had swim trunks bought from a local department store, and he didn’t bother wearing a swim cap or shaving. Today, we have technology that makes swimsuits resemble shark skin for less resistance, which shaves the important hundredths of seconds off one’s time.

  • Dream Team

    June 10, 2011

    Dream Team

    Atlanta Dream guard Shalee Lehning has a favorite example of teamwork from the Bible. It’s found in Mark 2, and it tells the story of a group of men who were dead-set on bringing their paralyzed friend to Jesus for healing.


  • Home Stretch: Ella Masar

    June 01, 2011

    Home Stretch: Ella Masar

    While my family was close knit group, Christianity wasn’t part of our upbringing. During my junior year of high school, though, I was introduced to the Lord. Learning about Jesus Christ was empowering, and it transformed my life.

  • Heart of an Athlete: Ronald Brookins

    June 01, 2011

    Heart of an Athlete: Ronald Brookins

    “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding…” – Proverbs 3:5

    In the Big Sky Conference, Sacramento State’s Ronald Brookins has a common, household name. Since bursting onto the track scene as a freshman, the senior hurdler and long-jumper has spent his college career rewriting the Sac State record books and garnering All-American accolades, all while leading the campus FCA Huddle and guiding his teammates and competitors closer to the Lord.

  • Heart of a Coach: Jim Schlossnagle

    June 01, 2011

    Heart of a Coach: Jim Schlossnagle

    “Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you…” – James 4:8

    Last season, TCU Head Baseball Coach Jim Schlossnagle was honored by the NCBWA as college baseball’s coach of the year after leading the Horned Frogs to their first College World Series. With plenty of postseason experience under his belt, Schlossnagle is hoping to lead his team to Omaha again this season, and, even more importantly, impact lives for Christ in the process.

  • Fit4Ever: Stir It Up

    June 01, 2011

    Fit4Ever: Stir It Up

    “When Jesus saw him lying there and knew he had already been there a long time, He said to him, ‘Do you want to get well?’” – John 5:6

    I have to be honest. As Americans, most of us are like stagnant ponds: We don’t move very much, and our health stinks.

    It’s sad, but true, and it’s a lifestyle that goes against the one God intended for us. Instead of putrid ponds, I believe He created us to resemble lively, running rivers.

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