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  • Our Defense

    March 20, 2009


    With the media magnifying all that is wrong and corrupt in the world today, it’s hard for people to believe that a loving God could let this happen. From the moment Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, the relationship between God and man has been altered. Because of that sin, we see and experience the bad, the ugly, and the brutal. Although this is our burden, Jesus provides an escape from this world to be a part of a better place—His kingdom. God wants us to be victorious!

    Through Jesus, our tests become our testimonies. In darkness, we have light. We alone don’t have the willpower nor strength to overcome what life throws at us. It is in Jesus where we can stand triumphantly, giving all the glory to God.

  • Top 10 - MIND GAME

    March 20, 2009


    If you want to change your health, you’ve got to change your mind!

  • Fire In My Heart

    March 19, 2009


    “Do you have fire in your belly?” was a question I often heard from coaches. It was never intended as a question, but as a challenge to play harder. Coaches want to know if an athlete has the passion and determination to play with a competitive edge. As an athlete, I never had others’ natural ability, but I did have the fire in my belly—a hustle, grit, and tenacity to get the job done—whatever coach asked of me.

  • FCA Camp 2009 Customizable Ads - "Inside Out"

    March 19, 2009


    This customizable ad provides a blank text box at the bottom for you to insert local information to post at schools, churches and other locations.

  • FCA Camp 2009 Ad - "Live Inside Out"

    March 19, 2009


     The new "Inside Out" themed ads for 2009 FCA Camps are now available.


    March 19, 2009


    If you have struggled with your health for a long time, it may be time for a house cleaning!


    March 18, 2009


    If you want to enjoy great health, you must get your portions under control!

  • Top 10 - TIME

    March 18, 2009


    We all have the same amount of time each day - but how we invest it makes a big difference!

  • Comparisons Kill

    March 18, 2009


    Why do we like to compare how we are doing with everybody else?

  • Pick Me! Pick Me!

    March 18, 2009


    Coaches travel across the country recruiting future players. Each coach works to sell his or her school and wants the future stars to pick them. Those blue-chip recruits are in high demand, and every coach is inwardly saying, “Pick me! Pick me!” This is a great analogy for godly wisdom, as illustrated by Solomon.

    In Proverbs 8, we read that “wisdom” calls out to us and pleads her case as to why we should pick her. (I’m sure that Solomon knew what he was doing when he labeled wisdom a “her,” but I won’t go there today.) Choosing wisdom is invaluable. Nothing is better. Think of the best thing you could ever want. Nope! Guaranteed it’s not better than godly wisdom.

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