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  • FCA Celebration

    February 19, 2014

    FCA Celebration

  • Quiet Confidence

    February 19, 2014


    We coaches spend a great deal of time and energy trying to instill confidence in our athletes. Hopefully our efforts are effective not only in competition but also in every area of our players’ lives. False confidence, the sort that stems from reliance on ourselves or our circumstances, is quite common in sports because it so easily comes with much flexing of muscles. Quiet confidence, on the other hand, is the opposite of surety that is built on physical strength. Quiet confidence comes only through faith in God, and it results in an assurance that we can handle whatever we face. How often do we conduct team practice with a quiet confidence?

  • Blessing the Taxi Squad

    February 18, 2014


    While David and four hundred of his men set out to defeat the Amalekites (1 Sm 30:1–26), two hundred men stayed behind to watch the supplies because they were too exhausted to fight. I call these men the “taxi squad” They were not the frontline players, but they were nonetheless absolutely essential to the team. After his victory, David returned to the camp to greet the men who had stayed behind, even though some of the selfish frontliners did not want to share the plunder with the taxi squad. However, David knew that everyone had a role to play and that the victory had come from God. Therefore, David issued a statute for all of Israel—that while he was in charge all would share in the plunder, including the taxi squad.

  • Powered by Jesus

    February 17, 2014


    I accepted the Lord at thirteen years old and had no problem sharing my faith with friends in junior high and high school. Not only was I a Christian, but a wrestler too. Wrestling gave me an audience to spread the Word, so I made a T-shirt that would show evidence of my faith.

  • Gamesmanship or Lying?

    February 16, 2014


    “If the rush gets close, fall down and act like you were hit. We get an automatic first down if we draw a roughing-the-punter penalty.” If the referees are not calling holding for offensive linemen, have we ever instructed our athletes to hang on just a little? Do we influence the referees by showing our players how to have “hinged heels” when drawing an offensive foul in basketball? Ever silently wished that the best player would miss just this one game so we don’t have to play against the best of the best? Do we coach gamesmanship, win-at-all-costs attitudes with manipulation of the rules? Is winning more important than teaching character in sport and life?

  • Don’t Miss Them

    February 15, 2014


    I wonder sometimes if we coaches miss opportunities to really know our athletes. The stars quite naturally stand out, but are we missing something about the remainder of the team? Do we often overlook the athlete who works hard every day just to be noticed by us? When we think about it, we had a great example of a person who took great care to bring individuals to himself. Christ’s life on earth serves as the ideal of how we are to treat every individual on our team, and focusing on Him is crucial because we are prone to forget that an athletic team is made up of more than the stars. Each member is important.

  • Overcomer

    February 14, 2014


    The song “Overcomer” by Mandisa is one of my favorite songs. But it’s more than just an emotional and spiritual pep-rally. As believers in Christ, the attitude of an overcomer is the one we are to walk in every day regardless of circumstances. Romans 8:37 (NIV) says that we are “more than conquerors through him who loved us.”

    It’s easy to feel this way when it seems like everything is under control. Our relationships are great, we have good health, we’re doing well in school or at work, we’re excelling in our sport, etc. However, circumstances will change. And what we do when that happens makes all the difference.

  • Weakness

    February 13, 2014


    God blessed me with many accomplishments during my football career, but my greatest accomplishment actually occurred on the day my career ended. I didn’t see it that way initially, however. My whole life had been built on the dream of getting to the top in football, so the day I was forced to stop, I began a walk down a road to a life of destruction. I soon destroyed everything in my life and reached rock bottom. However, it was this path that brought me to my knees and made me powerful through my Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, this was actually the first time that I knew what it really means to be strong.

  • Why We Compete

    February 12, 2014


    In the 2011 Stanley Cup finals it should have been a night of celebration. It was a great series between two excellent teams: the Boston Bruins and Vancouver Canucks. Instead, the nation woke up the next morning to news about massive violence in Canada as a result of their team’s defeat.

    What a great reminder of why we as Christians are called to bring Christ to the world of sports. It’s not called the “universal language” for nothing. Sports are a huge part of our culture, and they impact it in so many ways. Even a single game can impact an entire city like Vancouver and have results that ripple through the lives of both sports fans and bystanders.

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