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  • Going the Distance: Excerpt from Excellence

    May 05, 2009

    Going the Distance: Excerpt from Excellence

    As Ryan Hall's relationship with Jesus has grown, so has his understanding of excellence. Part of his early struggles as a runner were based on the identity crisis that often takes place for those sports competitors who have highly measurable templates for success.


    "The world's definition of excellence is just based on performance," Hall says. "As soon as you're not performing, no one wants to talk to you anymore in the media, and it's easy to get down on yourself. It's all wrapped up in performance. It's like building your house on the sand. It's very changing and fleeting, and eventually it's going to be gone, because no one is always on top of their game.


  • Pure and Simple

    May 05, 2009


    Men, let's take a deep look inside our minds and hearts and ask ourselves this question: Am I living a pure life?


    Sure, we tell people we are living pure lives, going to church, doing our quiet times and attending Bible studies. That has to be the model of purity, right?


    But what if we asked ourselves a more pointed question — one focusing on an area that is so easy to hide: sexual purity.

  • Coming to America

    May 05, 2009

    Coming to America

    Adjusting to college is never easy. Experiencing life in a new town with new friends, freedoms and expectations. It can be overwhelming for the typical 18-year-old. But imagine adding "new continent" to the equation. Nothing is familiar. You are immersed in a culture of people who don't think, act or talk like you, and you are forced to try a new cuisine at each meal.


    That's the story of Elna de Villiers. One she has lived every day for the last four years.

  • The Master

    May 05, 2009

    The Master

    As a dynamite athlete growing up in Lake City, Fla., Pat Summerall would glance at the Bible from time to time, but it was really more of an afterthought than a priority. Other options were much more appealing.


    Years later, at the Betty Ford Center in 1992, as a struggling alcoholic whose drinking problems had damaged his relationships with his family and friends, the Bible was Summerall's only choice.

  • Chris Klein

    May 05, 2009


  • On a Mission

    May 05, 2009

    On a Mission

    The economic struggles of the United States strike Albert Pujols differently than most. After all, when you've grown up amid conditions far worse than what the average American considers difficult, it puts things in perspective. While the economic crash of the U.S. is indeed serious, if not critical, the reality remains that many countries are filled with citizens who have been battling for years to find a single daily meal.


    No, Pujols himself was never a starving child, but he wasn't wealthy. And the scenes he saw growing up in the Dominican Republic, where he lived before moving with his family to the U.S. at the age of 15, have fueled in him a passion for reaching those in need.

  • Biggest Loser

    May 05, 2009


    Looking back at failures can discourage us…but nothing is impossible!

  • Fortified Focus

    May 05, 2009


    Our lives are strengthened when we focus on that which gives us strength. As a pitching coach, three words often come out of my mouth: use your eyes. The theory is that our eyes tell our body where to release the ball. Thus, by focusing on a target, we are more likely to hit it. There is much to think about and many distractions as a pitcher, just as in our daily lives. However, like a pitcher, if we put our whole focus on our target, we no longer have any room to focus on distractions.

  • Biggest Loser

    May 04, 2009


    Total Physical Transformation is within reach! It can be done!

  • Humility to God

    May 04, 2009


    To humble ourselves under God means to be subject to Him. Because we can’t see Him, we forget He is watching. Sometimes we can’t hear Him, so we forget He is speaking. We can’t always feel Him, so we forget He never leaves or forsakes us. Just because we can’t always see, hear, or touch God doesn’t mean He isn’t mighty. He is able to destroy entire nations if He desires, as is often illustrated in the Old Testament. God is all-powerful. When we live in accordance to His will, we will experience His abundant blessings. As 1 Peter 5:6 states, He will exalt us in due time if we remain humble to Him.

    How can we humble ourselves under God? We can start by listening to His advice, searching His Word, and spending time with Him.

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