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  • Game-Changer

    November 01, 2011


    In sports, we hear about plays, calls or even individual athletes that, in a single moment, alter the outcome of a game. We call them game-changers...

    When it comes to the game of life, however, there is only one true game-changer: Jesus Christ. And once He makes that ultimate play in the heart of an athlete, it not only changes his or her life off the field, but also how they conduct themselves in competition. This fall, some of the top players on the college gridiron are telling how the Lord has made an impact on their game and how He can do the same for you.

  • Measuring UP

    November 01, 2011

    Measuring UP

    Danny Woodhead is content with his anonymity—for however long it lasts.

    Elusive on the field and often overlooked off it, he’s shifted through, sneaked around and slipped past defenses, college coaches and pro scouts for years as each has missed the opportunity to snag him.

  • Heart of a Coach: Cori Close

    November 01, 2011

    Heart of a Coach: Cori Close

    UCLA women’s basketball coach Cori Close isn’t intimidated. Even though it’s her first season at the helm of a major college program and the first head coaching job of her career, Close believes she’s equipped for the challenge. For the past 18 seasons, she’s gained confidence and skill by assisting some of the top coaches in the game, and thanks to their influence—and more importantly the power of the Holy Spirit—Close has learned more than just the X’s and O’s of basketball. She’s learned how to help young women pursue excellence in all areas of life—including matters of faith.

  • The Ultimate Teammate

    October 11, 2011


    As coaches and athletes, we face adversity every day. Specifically for coaches, this adversity seems to come not just from the opponents on our schedules, but from a variety of sources. And whether we are dealing with players’ circumstances, injuries, parental issues, or whatever, we all need to have some reassurance or confirmation that we are doing a good job.

  • Courage Is...

    October 08, 2011


    Watch the video, then walk through the questions below.

    Key Verse: Haven't I commanded you: be strong and courageous? Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go. — Joshua 1:9

    • What are some quieter ways you can be more courageous in your life?
    • Do you think it is easier to go along with the crowd and not stand out? Why?
    • Have you ever faced a situation where you stood alone on your convictions? How did that situation impact you and others around you?
    • Read Joshua 1:9. Do you feel stronger knowing that God is always with you? Are there any bold actions you would be willing to take knowing God has your back?

  • Mr. Irrelevant

    October 04, 2011


    “Mr. Irrelevant” is an award that started in 1976. It is given to the very last player selected in the NFL Draft. The 2009 “Mr. Irrelevant” award went to Kansas City Chiefs kicker Ryan Succop, who has helped the Chiefs each season since the draft. In 2009 he was pick number 256 in the last round and was given a trophy—the Lowsman Trophy, which is a spoof off of the Heisman Trophy. This trophy actually depicts a player fumbling the ball!

    At the draft, he was even given an official NFL jersey with the number 256 and “Mr. Irrelevant” on the back. Can you imagine getting tagged with the title “Mr. Irrelevant”? Basically, people are saying you are not important. I’ve been called many names over the years, but I would struggle with this one.

  • Fire In the Islands

    October 01, 2011

    Fire In the Islands

    Wildfires aren’t typically associated with Hawaii, but that may be about to change—just don’t expect to see actual flames consuming the palm trees and pineapples. This fire is spiritual, and it’s one that is being used by God to spread His Word across the islands, specifically through FCA and the student-athletes at the University of Hawaii.

  • Trust the Almighty

    October 01, 2011



    Watch the video, then walk through the questions below.

    Key Verse: For God has not given us a spirit of fearfulness, but one of power, love, and sound judgment. –2 Timothy 1:7

  • Fit4Ever: The Pesticide Trap

    October 01, 2011

    Fit4Ever: The Pesticide Trap

    When it comes to food, I’m amazed at how many times I’ll think I’ll be eating the right thing, only to find out I’m wrong. Eggs are bad—no, eggs are good. Butter is bad—no, butter is better. Fat is bad—no, the right fats are good. And on and on it goes.

    Sometimes we can get by with this and not suffer any major consequences, but often not getting it right can have serious side-effects.

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