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  • FCA Campus Promo

    March 24, 2011


  • OW2P Assembly Video

    March 24, 2011


  • 4 C's of Ministry

    March 23, 2011


  • Consuming Madness

    March 23, 2011


    March can be a time of spiritual renewal and testing. Depending on your area of the world, you may be encouraged by the promise of spring and new life as your surroundings begin to change. But there are also distinct temptations that come with the new season. For example, participating in St. Patrick’s Day parties this week probably tempted a few out there. Then there are also various temptations that come with the NCAA Tournament and the thousands of bracket pools.

  • The Unseen

    March 21, 2011


    One guarantee every coach can make each season is that at some point the season will come to an end. Coaches see dozens of athletes go through their programs. The truth is that we only have these kids for a short while. What mark will we make on them? What little excellences will they take with them as a result of our influence? Will they have developed skills and talents? Will they have learned the value of teamwork? Will they be more disciplined because of what we taught them? These are great questions that any good coach will ask when evaluating his or her effectiveness as a coach. As Christian coaches, however, we need to be asking ourselves an additional set of questions. Have our athletes been affected for eternity? Have we spent time praying for them?

  • Honor Him

    March 16, 2011


    The sports world loves to pay tribute to great athletes and coaches. Halls of fame, retired jerseys and numbers, street names and building names all honor famous sports heroes. But what are they really honoring? Some were great men and women off the field, but for the most part those things honor great achievements in athletics. In my book there's nothing wrong with that until we look at how we truly honor Christ in our sporting careers.

  • The Two Best Things

    March 15, 2011


    Are you busy? I bet you are! Games, practices, work, meetings and other important things consume our days. We get so busy we sometimes forget what is truly essential. Recently I have been reminded that there are two things I have been neglecting or forgetting to do for my family. And while I can build a great plan to succeed in life, if I'm not leading and caring for my family, emptiness will surely follow.

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