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  • The Power of One Word

    December 31, 2009


    Eight years ago, I started the simple discipline of picking a one-word theme for the upcoming year. That’s right—one word—not a phrase or statement, just a single word. And to this point, it has been nothing short of life changing. Through this exercise, God has stretched me spiritually, physically, and emotionally. This exercise cannot be approached  alfheartedly. Satan will come out in full force. This is truly a discipline for those who want to press in and see God do great things through them.

    It’s for those who want to live life to the fullest—no retreat, no regrets. It’s also a process of teaching, correcting, and molding, for when we are soft in the Creator’s hands, He can form us into His vessel!

  • Balance again?

    December 31, 2009


    Keys to a balanced life.

  • Heart of an Athlete: Maggie Krick

    December 31, 2009

    Heart of an Athlete: Maggie Krick

    Chosen Attribute: Joy

    Dictionary definition: “The emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying.”

    My definition: “To be genuinely content from the inside out.”

  • Heart of a Coach: Scott Higgins

    December 31, 2009

    Heart of a Coach: Scott Higgins

    Chosen Attribute: Courage

    Dictionary definition: “The quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger or pain without fear.”

    My definition: “Confidence in the sovereignty of God in seemingly impossible or unachievable circumstances, coupled with the awareness that He is engaged in the process and ultimately responsible for the outcome.”

  • Homestretch: Kevin Ollie

    December 31, 2009

    Homestretch: Kevin Ollie

    Los Angeles has so many potential distractions and pitfalls for young kids growing up there. But, in my own life, because God had blessed me with a solid faith in Him through the instruction of my mother, I was able to avoid most of them.

  • Fit4Ever: One Thing

    December 31, 2009

    Fit4Ever: One Thing

    I’ve heard it said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Well, I don’t know about you, but I can definitely identify with that. It’s like we know we’ve taken a wrong turn or are on the wrong road, but we keep going anyway. And, worse yet, we somehow think that we’ll still get to our destination.

  • How to Save a Life

    December 31, 2009

    How to Save a Life

    Brandon Chan couldn’t believe the news when he arrived at Tucson High School (Ariz.) one morning. He had just seen his friend the day before, and everything had appeared to be fine. But as he ran from one person to the next hearing the same report, he realized it was real. His friend had taken his own life that very morning.

  • Baseball in the Bay

    December 31, 2009

    Baseball in the Bay

    Rigo Lopez sounded tired, but satisfied. It was a crisp November evening in Palo Alto, Calif., and Lopez, an upbeat Bay Area FCA area representative, had just concluded two long days of camps. Coordinating a four-hour baseball clinic at Santa Clara University that featured major leaguers, minor leaguers and college players as instructors would have been plenty of work by itself. But the next day, Lopez and the local FCA saff hosted a similar four-hour softball camp 30 minutes away at Stanford University.

  • Winter Olympic Preview

    December 31, 2009

    Winter Olympic Preview

    This year’s Winter Olympics in Vancouver promise to be truly exciting and inspiring. Nations will both unite and collide as they
    compete for medals, honor and their countries. Some athletes, however, will be competing for a higher purpose: the glory of the Lord. Take some time to get to know eight of them here, then cheer them on and pray them up when the Games begin!

  • True Saint

    December 30, 2009

    True Saint

    Drew Brees rolls his eyes and smiles. By now, he expects it, even if he doesn’t believe he deserves it. But the parallels are just too easy to pass up. “You’ve been dubbed the Patron Saint of New Orleans by just about every media outlet in the country…” they always start. It’s only natural.

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