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  • Heart of an Athlete: Rhett Rakhshani

    April 01, 2010

    Heart of an Athlete: Rhett Rakhshani
    Selected Struggle: Surrender
    Dictionary definition: “To give oneself up as unto the power of another; submit or yield.”
    My definition: “The ability to lay your life at God’s feet and have faith in what He is going to do with you.”

  • Heart of a Coach: Regan Denham

    April 01, 2010

    Heart of a Coach: Regan Denham
    Selected Struggle: Patience
    Dictionary definition: “The ability or willingness to suppress restlessness or annoyance when confronted with delay.”
    My definition: “Maintaining perspective while persisting toward the greater goal.”


  • Home Stretch: James Loney

    April 01, 2010

    Home Stretch: James Loney

    Like many young kids, I had dreams of playing professional baseball. As I grew up, I began to realize that wasn’t going to happen overnight and that I’d have to work hard to get there.

  • Heart of an Athlete: Rhett Rakshani

    April 01, 2010

    Heart of an Athlete
    April 2010

  • I have fought the good fight…

    March 31, 2010


    As March Madness winds down, we can clearly see the parity that exists at the highest level of college basketball. It’s been excited to watch the thrilling overtime victories and the games that have been decided by three points or less. Teams have matched up toe-to-toe, scraped, hustled and competed to extend their seasons for one more game. At the end of every game, one team has been left celebrating while the other has left empty-handed, perhaps stunned, that the game got away in the final ticks of the clock.

  • God’s Clock

    March 30, 2010


    Does the word “wait” cause the hair on the back of your neck to rise like it does mine? As an endurance athlete, a lot of my training can last for several hours. An example would be during one of my former marathon trainings. One week I had a 20-mile run scheduled. Before the first mile was completed I was already thinking, “Wouldn’t it be great if this was mile 19 and I only had one mile to go?” I was wishing that I could fast-forward through my run and just see the end results.

  • Faith in Who?

    March 29, 2010


    King Saul and his son Jonathan faced a life-threatening crisis with the Philistines, but they handled the dilemma in very different ways. Jonathan responded in faith by trusting God in spite of the odds (1 Sm 14:1–14). God came to Jonathan’s aid by sending great confusion into the Philistine camp, and the Israelites were thus enabled to defeat the more powerful Philistine army without a casualty (1 Sm. 14:15–23).

  • An Event Creator

    March 25, 2010


    At twenty-seven inches tall and dressed in his sleek-fitting evening attire, the adeli penguin looks like a million bucks. A good day for a penguin is a day of “non-event.” It is a day where he has eaten a few fish, slid around on his belly to conserve resources, and has not been eaten himself! A good day for a penguin is one where he is able to wipe his brow at the end of it and proclaim, “I made it.”

  • Eternal Glory

    March 23, 2010


    I became a baseball fan during the magical season of 1961. I lived for the trek to the mailbox for the morning paper. Turning to the sports section, I would devour the scores, especially those of the New York Yankees, where the nation focused on the home run race between Mickey Mantle and Roger Maris. These two players fascinated me. Though Maris won the home run race that year, Mickey Mantle was my hero. He moved with grace and hit with power, and his statistics were incredibly impressive.

    As I grew older, however, I learned of many poor choices made by Mantle. His decadent lifestyle and forty-year abuse of alcohol had shortened his career, prevented him from reaching his full potential, and clouded his mind.

  • Fatherless

    March 23, 2010


    Is it possible that one man could have changed Mike Tyson’s problem-filled boxing career? Tyson believes his former trainer, mentor, and legal guardian Cus D’Amato, who died before he won the title in 1986, would have changed things. Tyson said, “It would have been totally different. Cus once told me, ‘You’re the kind of person who has to get hurt to learn.’ I didn’t understand he was talking about life…in the fight of life I am a pug, a palooka [a second-rate prize fighter].”

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