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  • Under Stress

    September 17, 2009


    Life can bring its fair share of stress! Check out these stress-busters!

  • Try or Train?

    September 16, 2009


    There is a big difference between those who try and those willing to train!

  • It’s All about Relationships

    September 15, 2009


    Late in 2002, Francisco Rodriguez burst onto the Major League scene as a 20-year-old fireball pitcher, and he promptly helped the Los Angeles Angels win the World Series. On September 13, 2008, he nailed-down the final three outs of the team’s win over the Seattle Mariners to earn his 58th save of the season, thus, breaking the Major League record. After the game, Rodriguez said that during the experience, he could feel the presence of his grandfather, who had passed away 10 years earlier. “I felt like he was right next to me,” Rodriguez said. “He's with me every day. I would give up anything to have him right next to me and enjoy this moment.”

  • Purpose in Pain

    September 15, 2009


    Pain can be an important signal as you pursue abundant health!

  • Is It in You?

    September 14, 2009


    I love watching Gatorade® commercials. They show athletes giving everything they have for their sport. The neon green or orange Gatorade® even pours out of them as they sweat! The commercials always end with, “Is it in you?” The implication is that somehow this drink is going to make us perform better on the field. Do we have what it takes to be a champion? Is it in us?

    As Christians, God tells us that the Spirit of God, the very essence of Christ, is in us. The same Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead comes to dwell inside of us. When we give our heart to Jesus, the Holy Spirit breathes life into our spirit. He literally brings us back from the dead—spiritually that is. Sin brings death, but the Spirit brings life.

  • Wide Left Saved My Soul

    September 14, 2009

    Wide Left Saved My Soul

    Video by New Spring Church, SC on how a missed field goal changed a kicker's life forever.

  • iPod Training

    September 14, 2009


    It’s amazing how important music can be to your training program!

  • Staying on the Path

    September 11, 2009


          One of God’s greatest gifts to us is that he is willing to direct our paths. He has prepared a way for us, but we must be willing to follow it. It is easy to say we want to take God’s path, but it is just as easy to get off course.

  • Get The Guarantee

    September 10, 2009


    Years ago Hall of Fame quarterback Joe Namath guaranteed that his underdog New York Jets were going to beat the powerful Baltimore Colts in the Super Bowl … and wouldn’t you know … they did it! But since that time there have been many athletes and coaches who have guaranteed a win and it didn’t turn out that way. Why? Nothing on this planet is truly guaranteed. As a matter of fact, there are very few real guarantees in life. Even when you purchase something that is guaranteed, that doesn’t mean it’s going to work forever. It just means that when it breaks, the guarantor will fix or replace it.

  • Hired Hands and the Shepherd

    September 09, 2009


    How bad does it hurt to be rejected? We’ve all been there. We’ve all been rejected by teammates, family members, boyfriends/girlfriends, co-workers and bosses. And when it happens, it hurts!

    I was reading in John 10 this morning, coming fresh off a rejection myself, and it struck me just how important it is for us to understand Jesus’ role as our shepherd during these times. In John 10:12, Jesus talks about a hired hand who doesn’t stick by the sheep through tough times. He abandons them because they aren’t his own, and he’s not committed to them. Why would he stick around to get eaten by a wolf himself when he’s not the true owner of the sheep? So, he flees the scene, leaving the sheep abandoned and vulnerable.

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