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  • As long as…

    May 14, 2009

    Every week athletes and coaches around the country come to chapels and Huddles looking for something from the Lord in relation to their walk with Christ and their sport. Many come looking for a word from the Lord to encourage or inspire them before their contest. Some come for fellowship, some for worship, some for truth to purify their walk with the holy and righteous One (2 Tim 1:9). 

  • Persistence Pays Off

    May 13, 2009

    We've all seen it. The superstar athlete comes out of the tunnel after a game, or he is spotted in somewhere public and a crowd begins to swarm him. People begin pushing and shoving, all jarring each other for a chance to get an autograph or picture with the one who made the unbelievable play, won the championship or was inducted into the hall of fame. 

  • Be Strong and Courageous

    May 13, 2009

    Following a sports legend is tough. Who could ever fill the shoes of Walter Payton, Magic Johnson, Nolan Ryan or Mia Hamm? Someone always has to. Who were the men and women who stepped in after the great ones were gone? I’m sure some of you sports buffs our there could tell us, but the point is that someone did take their place. Not without a little fear, though, I would imagine.  

  • Fit 4 Ever: Can You Win Without Drugs?

    May 11, 2009

    Fit 4 Ever: Can You Win Without Drugs?

    Five syringes discarded on the side of a Rocky Mountain road just outside of Boulder, Colo., were not exactly what I expected to see. Yet, as I cycled through some of the most scenic and challenging roads in all of Boulder, the site was unmistakable. I knew that many competitive riders used the high altitudes to train for races; but it appeared that it wasn’t just the altitude that would enhance their performances that day.

    The world of sports has taken a beating this year.

  • Hard Fighting Soldier

    May 11, 2009

    Hard Fighting Soldier

    As a hardened 19-year-old, FCA’s Chette Williams found hitting rock bottom a shattering experience. After previously committing himself to three goals — get a college degree, play football and make Mama proud — being told by the Auburn football coach, “You’re a problem ... It’s time for you to move on,” left Williams seemingly with nothing left to live for. With nowhere else to turn, Williams opened his Bible.

    Now, 23 years after he last suited up for the Tigers, Williams is serving as chaplain of the Auburn football team while working as both the school’s FCA campus director and the state of Alabama’s director for urban ministries.

  • Retreat Report: Rogers, Arkansas

    May 11, 2009

    Retreat Report: Rogers, Arkansas

    “Eyes.” The word has a special meaning here. When the Rogers Mountaineers hear it, it’s as if an automatic instinct kicks in. 

    “Eyes!” they echo back while in a crouched stance ready for the next command, their eyes staring right into their coach’s. But for 30 senior Mountaineer football players on this night — a warm, muggy, crystal-clear evening in the dog-days of August in the middle of Central Arkansas’ mountainous wilderness — there’s no need for the command. That’s because Ronnie Peacock, the head coach at Rogers High School, already has their full attention.

  • Kick Like A Girl

    May 11, 2009

    Kick Like A Girl

    The Conner High School band strikes up the fight song and the Cougars take the field. You can’t put your finger on it immediately, but something looks a bit out of the ordinary for a Friday night game in Kentucky.

  • Under Pressure, Above Reproach

    May 11, 2009

    Under Pressure, Above Reproach

    The locusts come every 17 years.

    For Tommy Bowden, this bizarre phenomenon of nature remains a vivid memory from his days in West Virginia. Bobby Bowden, Tommy’s coaching-legend father, had moved the family from Alabama to Morgantown when he became the Mountaineers’ head football coach in 1970. Tommy, who played as a walk-on wide receiver for the Mountaineers from 1973 to ’76, still recalls the peculiar insects, with their freaky red eyes, thick black bodies and incessant drone. Every 17 years, they would crawl out of the ground by the millions to mate, spawn and die, all within several weeks.

  • Get Real

    May 11, 2009

    Get Real

    Define irony:
       1. A dead end sign is placed in front of a cemetery.
       2. Donald Trump wins the lottery.
       3. A Christian gets arrested on his way to a mission trip.

    San Diego Padres pitcher Jake Peavy is quite familiar with irony. In fact, he’s the living example of #3. But before you pass judgment, let him explain.

  • Ann Bowden with Ron Brown

    May 09, 2009


    Ann Bowden, wife of Florida State head football coach Bobby Bowden, talks very fondly of her love and support for Bobby and for her sons who have all been involved in football. She gives a very honest, vulnerable and emotional response to how she handled the tragic situation of losing a son-in-law and grandson in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

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