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  • Are You Kidding Me?

    February 04, 2013


    While watching an NFL game I saw something that made me scream out. I hollered a saying that everyone, especially sports commentators, uses when there is an incredible play. "Are you kidding me???"

  • Are You On Scholarship?

    March 02, 2010

    Are You On Scholarship?

    The desire of every high school athlete is a full scholarship to college. I was speaking to a local softball team yesterday. I asked them to imagine that I could give them a full scholarship. The only thing I needed them to do was to try out. The terms of the scholarship state that if every "at bat" is a home run; if every ball is fielded cleanly; if every throw is on line; and every pitch a strike, then you will get the scholarship.

    I asked them if they could achieve that. "No" was the unanimous answer. Of course you can't because no one is perfect.

  • Are You Ready For CHANGE?

    January 08, 2009


    I don’t know about you, but it sure seems like the world is coming apart at the seems! Tips to stand strong!

  • Are you Ready?

    September 24, 2009


    Life is not always easy. Are you ready for what it may bring?

  • Are you really a Leader?

    September 26, 2013


    I will never forget playing basketball my freshman year of college. I had just graduated from a Christian high school and was ready to impact all of my fellow teammates. While on road trips, I would have to stay in a room with two other teammates. During every trip, I would deliberately take out my Bible at night and do a quiet time, thinking that if my teammates saw me reading the Bible, they would ask questions. I thought by doing this, I was being a leader.

    At the same time I was doing quiet times, I was struggling with sinful language. During practices, games, or just walking around campus with my teammates, profanity was always coming out of my mouth. I felt I had to be that way to get respect from my teammates and to be taken seriously.

  • Are You Spiritually Coachable?

    August 02, 2010


    The 2009-2010 Butler Bulldogs’ historic run to the NCAA Men’s Basketball National Championship was a Cinderella story that shocked America. They were overmatched in almost every game, yet they still persevered and defeated the odds. How did Butler accomplish what many national powerhouses failed to? Skill, determination, and school pride were factors in Butler’s success, but the true X-Factor was their coachability.

  • Are You Sure?

    January 16, 2004


    Every decision in the NFL playoffs is crucial because it’s "go on or go home" time. With his St. Louis Rams down by three points and 15 yards from the end zone late in their 2004 playoff game against the Carolina Panthers, Rams' coach, Mike Martz elected to let the clock run down and kick a field goal to send the game to overtime. The Panthers prevailed in OT, 29-23. After being questioned about his decision to play for overtime, Martz said, "I was very sure about the decision, and I don't regret that decision."

  • Are You the Example or the Exception?

    January 06, 2014


    In today’s society, students and student athletes need role models more than ever, and as Christian coaches we are called to fulfill that position. We need men and women to embrace the fact that God has placed us in such a valuable role
    in a child’s life.

  • Are you wanting something more?

    October 13, 2009


    You walk through the gate, eyes cast down onto the field, bag slung over your shoulder. You mentally walk through each of your fears, again and again. A nearby ball is cascading excitedly across the wet grass, throwing beads of water onto your bare shins. You make it to the bleachers, nervous as ever, and equip your shins and feet with cleats, socks and shin-guards... What's going to happen next? A grueling tryout. Everything you do will be watched; every mistake and every success. You just hope your mistakes aren't too many.

  • Armintie Price - Inspired by Joy

    January 06, 2010


    Please Note: This study corresponds with the Winning Edge videos found on the 2009 Inside Out DVD. Due to copyrights, the video cannot be made available online.

    This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. 
    Psalms 118:24

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