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Campus Ministry At Syracuse University
Watch how God unfolds the FCA Ministry at Syracuse University.
Campus Playbook
The campus game plan for FCA leaders for the 2013-2014 ministry program year. (Relentless)
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Can He? Could He? Would He?
Set:Caleb, a small quiet boy who was new to his school, was invited to an FCA game night. The time came to pick teams for basketball and two of the school’s top athletes chose sides. Bryan, a great athlete, looked for people just like him. Josh was a great athlete as well, but had another plan.
Jesus chose all kinds of people—not always the biggest, best looking, and strongest—to carry out His work. One such man was Zacchaeus. The Bible tells us he was a little man, so small he had to climb a tree to see Jesus. As the Lord passed by Zacchaeus, He stopped and chose him to spend time with. Jesus did not just say He loved others; He showed it every day.
Can I See A Show of Hands?
Set:Twenty-two years old and a varsity basketball coach in the great state of Indiana. We were playing for the conference title in the mecca of basketball: Marion, Ind. Ok, maybe we weren't the three-peat Marion Giants of the 80's, but I was coaching the mighty Lakeview Lions in the state Christian school league. So maybe our roar wasn't that great, not even bigger than our gym — the city armory's gym where there were more dead spots than the local cemetery. But nevertheless, we were playing for the championship against Faith Christian.
Can vs. Can’t
Set:Almost every week this summer, I have been working with junior high boys trying to help them improve their basketball skills. The range of ability between sixth and eighth graders is pretty wide, and their physical size can be an even bigger gap. But we have one boy, Max, who doesn’t let his size bother him at all. In every drill and scrimmage, he uses what the Lord has given him to the best of his ability and tries to improve. It is such a joy to watch him play because he wears out his opponents with his speed and quickness. As an athlete, Max refuses to let what he can’t do get in the way of what he can do.
Can You Hear Me Now?
Set:We’ve seen the commercial more than once—the one where the guy walks around with his cell phone, pausing every couple of steps to ask the question “Can you hear me now? Good.” We are reminded that some companies go to a lot of trouble to keep their communication lines open. We have all experienced areas where cell phone communication breaks down, when we can’t hear at all.
Stop for a moment and think about the effort God has made to communicate His unending love for us. His message is clear. He loves us and wants us to respond by living our lives in the truth—a truth that honors our Creator and loves and serves our fellow man. The problem is that we don’t listen. We are too wrapped up in ourselves to notice His call.
Can you hear me, now?
Set:It happens all the time, even to the best of them. Athletes reach the goals they have pursued for years, maybe even a lifetime, and then they do it. Maybe they feel they deserve it. They think, “I’m now successful, so I can let up and compromise in a certain area of my life. It’s small, and it won’t impact me very much.”
Can You Hear Me?
Set:Cell phones . . . how did we live without them? At the touch of our hands, we can be in contact with anyone, anytime, anywhere. What a great communication tool.
As a coach, I used to wish I had cell phone access to my players on the floor. Often they would not hear my voice or would choose to ignore it when they did not like what I said. But if I could have called them during a game, I know they would have answered the phone.
OK, that would be a little strange, but spiritually we have that kind of access. Anytime, anywhere, we have direct, open-line, no-towers-down communication with God through Jesus Christ. It is not long distance, but hopefully a local call if we are in constant contact with Him.
Capital Gains
On August 30, 2006, I traveled to Washington, D.C., to experience a day with FCA’s rapidly expanding inner-city ministry there. The ministry, spearheaded by FCA Area Representative David Kiehn, seeks to bring restoration and prosperity to the city by touching the lives of athletes and coaches in some of D.C.’s roughest areas. During my visit I met with football coaches at Dunbar High School and Anacostia High School. What I found was that change within D.C.’s inner-city doesn’t occur overnight by passing a bill or amending a law, but by reaching the hearts of its youth with the gospel.
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