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  • Contentment

    December 15, 2012


    In 1954 Don Larson struggled through one of the worst seasons ever experienced by a pitcher. He won three games and lost twenty-one. Strangely enough, he was then traded to the best team in baseball at that time, the New York Yankees. Things got better for Don Larson. Two years later, he had a record of 11–5 and the team made it to the World Series. In game five Larson pitched perfectly; not one runner got to first base. Afterward Larson said, “It’s amazing…not long ago, I was a nobody, and now, everybody wants me.”

  • Contentment in All Circumstances

    January 01, 2012


    During the 2003–2004 basketball season, I experienced what coaches fear most. We won only two games while losing twenty-five. Most of our games were not even close. The boys tried hard, but we were overmatched in most games. It was a difficult and humbling time. I questioned myself and my ability. About halfway through the season, as the losses mounted and the frustration and disappointment increased, I came across these verses during a study time. Suddenly, everything came back into focus.

  • Continue in My Pattern

    October 02, 2007


    Wisdom for a Young Head Coach
    Week 23

    II Timothy 3:10-17

    Discussion Questions:

  • Control

    February 10, 2010


    Hockey Chat:  Have you ever seen a guy who looked like the puck glued was to his stick.  It may have looked like it from his puck handling.  Those guys frustrate every defenseman.  They have such control of the puck that it’s nearly impossible to take away.  A poor puck handler will leave the puck behind every time.

  • Cool As Ice

    January 01, 2012

    Cool As Ice

    Ever since Leslie Frazier was born on April 3, 1959, in the midst of many personal and social complexities in the segregated South, life has been a trade-off of big trials and big successes. But in each instance, the truth of Romans 8:28—Frazier’s favorite verse—has been validated. He knows that God truly does work for the good of those who love Him and have been called according to His purpose.

    He knows because he is living proof.

  • Core Strength

    May 19, 2009


    If your strength isn’t functional - what good is it?

  • Core Strength - Consistency

    May 20, 2009


    Just showing up is the most important thing you can do to succeed!

  • Core Strength Study

    August 07, 2010


    Key Verse: "We also pray that you will be strengthened with all his glorious power so you will have all the endurance and patience you need. May you be filled with joy…" - Colossians 1:11

    • How does your core strength affect your athletic performance?

    • What are some things you can do to strengthen your core physically?

    • How does your physical core strength relate to your spiritual core strength?

    • Read Colossians 1:11.  The core strength values for FCA are integrity, serving, teamwork, and excellence.  Which of these areas are you the strongest?  Weakest?

  • Corporate Power

    May 04, 2014


    Think of a team that fires on all cylinders. Good performance and unity are inseparable. All teams work collectively and corporately. There is no “I” in team, but there is an “I” in win. Joshua knew from past failures how to motivate his army. A unified team develops commitment to a common purpose, momentum, and loyalty. The more united the team, the better they play. The better the team plays, the more the individuals feel a sense of accomplishment. Individuals are extensions of the team.

  • Correct, Don't Criticize

    November 08, 2013


    When I first started working towards becoming a head coach, people wondered if I could do it. I wasn’t the type to yell at people. I wasn’t the type to get in people’s faces. They didn’t know if I could control the players. How would they respond to my coaching style? How would I handle being in charge of an entire team?

    My style has always been one that relies on motivation, encouragement and teaching. I always want to help people get better. That’s the idea behind correction. It’s not about tearing people down. It’s about helping them improve. You have to let them know when they’ve done something wrong, but the goal is helping them became a better player and a better person.

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