Most cars don’t even travel 422.6 miles in three days, but that’s the very distance that a man named Gary Brasher did a few years ago on behalf of FCA by taking on three iron-distance triathlons in three consecutive days. I’ve run a few marathons in my life, but those were nothing! Gary Brasher took on a whole different level.
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Glory on the Gridiron
This month, as college football bowl games flood your television, let yourself get sucked in. Just make sure you have read below or your STV is close by. You’ll want to refer back to this article when you see a player score a touchdown and kneel in prayer. “Maybe he helps out with his FCA Huddle,” you’ll wonder.
If he’s found below or inside the magazine, the answer is yes.
We are profiling the athletes who are owning leadership roles both on and off the field. They are actively involved in their FCA Huddles and chapels and are setting positive examples for young fans to follow. We'll start with Heisman-hopeful Sam Bradford, and he is just the beginning of this tremendous list of athletes.
Glory Revealed
Set:Some people say that difficult times develop character. I believe, however, that hard times reveal the character that’s already inside a person.
In Romans 8:18, the Apostle Paul reminded his friends that in times of suffering we have a strong assurance that better things are on the way.
Go All-Out
Set:Ever I since started playing football, I hadn't won one game. Not a single one! There was even one year that we didn't even score a point. The next year we didn't win a single game, but at least we scored. But, finally, on the last game of my middle school career, we won! We won, 64 to 0. It was amazing. It felt like we’d won the Super Bowl. It may not have been the best team in the league that we beat, but it was a win and I finally got to taste what it was like to win.Losing is hard. And it certainly makes it difficult for us when it comes to practice. We find it hard to put forth any kind of real effort when aren’t seeing results. But, do we realize that in everything we do, we are to work as hard as we can for the Lord?
Go for the Goal
Set:What are athletes without goals? Goals are obstacles that help us reach higher levels of ability. In Philippians 3:14, Paul says we should keep running for the goal God has for us. In doing this, we all have to lean on the Lord to know where we are going.
Go, Tell It on the Mountain
Set:It seems like when you're in a conversation and you have nothing else to talk about, the weather always comes up. For a large majority of Americans, another popular topic of conversation seems to be sports, especially when they are running out of things to say. We find sports an easy topic, kind of a comfort zone. -
Set:One of the perks of being a college student is a three month summer break from school, but as a collegiate volleyball player, summer isn’t a time to take it easy. The spring offseason is an opportunity to build muscle, run faster and increase verticals, but all that hard work is for nothing if I chose to be lazy all summer. When August rolls around I have to report for two-a-days, and my work over the summer will be evaluated by a stopwatch, measuring stick and bench press bar. I have to set goals to accomplish and improve over the summer, otherwise I will lose motivation and not perform at my highest level.
Set:Athletes have goals. That is what we do! We make goals and then strive every day to reach them. If we didn't have a list of goals, then we would stop improving, stop moving forward. We would have nothing to aim for.I am a huge fan of Coach Vince Lombardi and have read almost all of his books, including the book "Vince Lombardi Rules." This book says that his number one rule is "Self-Knowledge": to know yourself and what your talents are so that you can work for them. -
God and the Apple
Set:While I was eating lunch one day in the teacher’s lounge, I overheard an office aide talking with her friend. The office aide could not understand how God could be God and Jesus at the same time—how He could be in heaven and on Earth at the same time! Her friend didn’t know how to respond.
I asked God to give me the words to help them understand this difficult concept, and the Lord, being gracious, brought an idea to my mind. So, feeling confident, I got up from my table and went to tell them about God and an apple.
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