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  • Introduction - Daniel Study

    September 15, 2008


    I am excited about the journey you are about to take through the book of Daniel. It is an awesome book with some familiar stories about the lion’s den and fiery furnace. The truths in this book will greatly challenge you in the areas of courage, boldness, faith and security in God alone. I have been greatly humbled by the courage and faith of Daniel, Hanniah, Mishael and Azariah. They were faithful to God from their teens to their 80s. They are great examples and role models for trusting God in tough times. As you study this book, I would like for you to keep in mind several things that will assist your understanding:

  • Introduction - Get Focused Study

    November 05, 2009

    Introduction - Get Focused Study

    What is “Get Focused”?

    “Get Focused” is a four-part video series (each video is approximately 12 minutes) with study guides designed to help people make decisions based on the standards described in the Bible.

    In George Barna’s book Think Like Jesus, he reports* that only 9% of evangelical, born-again believers have a “Biblical Worldview.” The remaining 91% make decisions based on a more “relative standard.” In other words, their decision is relative to the circumstances.

    “Get Focused” is designed to help a person think through these through four different topics:

  • InVALUEable

    May 19, 2009


    It was a testament to the reputation of Tony Dungy. When STV approached athletes, coaches and members of the media — both Christian and not — about lessons they’d learned from the Indianapolis Colts’ head coach, the average rate of return on the quote request was less than a day. That never happens.

    But when it comes to Tony Dungy, it seems that people are more than willing, even eager, to express their awe and admiration for him — a man who has been through so much in so little time.

  • Iodine

    June 01, 2009


    Key Verse:

    If we say, "We have no sin," we are deceiving ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.  
    1 John 1:8-9

  • Iodine

    June 01, 2009


  • iPod Training

    September 14, 2009


    It’s amazing how important music can be to your training program!

  • Is Christ on the mound with you?

    November 03, 2007


    Baseball is a game that can be dominated by a pitcher. It seems that no matter how well a hitter prepares for a game, if a pitcher is “on” and executes his pitches, there is really nothing a hitter can do. Many times a hitter will try to “step out” in order to disrupt the rhythm of the pitcher. Or, in other situations where a pitcher is dominant, the hitter may try bunting in order to get on base.

  • Is God Keeping Score?

    September 27, 2012

    Is God Keeping Score?

    As a young baseball player, I found myself on the losing end of a lot of games. Many times my team had the mindset of losers, and our attitudes showed that we had lost the game long before the seventh inning. We went through the motions to the finish, but we were defeated long before the end of the game.

    Perhaps many of us live as if God were keeping score, as if He has His own scoreboard with everyone’s name on it. One side lists “Good Works” and the other “Sins/Bad Things.” Can you imagine if eternal life depended on being perfect or trying to make sure all our good outweighed our bad? We would be like my little league team: living in defeat with no hope.


    July 17, 2009

    IS HE IN YOU.jpg

  • Is IT in you?

    November 07, 2008


    Do you have what it takes to be healthy? I think you do!

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