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  • The Sons of Noah

    September 30, 2003


    Genesis 9:18-29

    1. From this story, what is your impression of Noah? Of his sons? How does this compare with the image presented in Genesis 6:8–10?
    2. What do these contrasting images imply about children respecting parents? About righteousness? (Does “righteous” mean sinless?)
    3. What does Noah's prophetic curse mean for his three sons? For the people of Israel descended through Shem? (Note: The Lord is the “God of Shem.”)
    4. What's the point of including this story in Genesis? Why did Noah curse Canaan for his father's actions? How has your life been affected by the mistakes of your parents? By the successes of your parents? 

  • The Soul Surfer

    May 01, 2010

    The Soul Surfer

    They came in droves, descending on the Hawaiian islands like a flock of tourists fleeing the harsh bite of winter. It was early February—a perfect time to seek tropical warmth. But tourists don’t typically tote $10,000 video cameras, dollies, boom microphones, or lighting and sound equipment. This group was different.

  • The Sound of the Train

    October 19, 2012


    On a brisk Saturday morning a while ago, I hit the running trail with my FCA Endurance teammates for an 18-mile training run. The trail was desolate, and over time my fatigued mind began to drift back to my warm car waiting in the parking lot. We were more than 15 miles into the run, and the thought of less than a 5K left begged me to push harder and finish strong, but still I just didn’t feel like giving it my all.

    It was about that time that I heard a sound—one that meant more to me than it did to my running buddies. It was the sound of an approaching train, and its noise drowned out the heavy breathing of our tiring pack.

  • The Spirit Of Excellence (Excellence - Chapter 2)

    December 01, 2008


    Excellence. That power-packed word can be found in catchphrases and taglines, heard in motivational speeches and printed on huge banners. It has been written about in countless books and has inspired major motion pictures. Athletes are especially fond of the word “excellence.” The pursuit of it drives them to practice and train long hours. It compels them to discipline their bodies beyond the capacity of an average human being.

  • The Spotter

    May 03, 2014


    Weight lifters often use spotters to help them stay safe during workouts and get maximum results. In your own experience, have you ever done a bench press workout without a spotter? I have. And when I tried it, my workout was lack luster. I couldn’t work out as intensely as I could have if I’d known I had someone there.

    When I bench press, I’m so much more effective when I have a spotter to encourage me and offer help if I need it. When I get tired, my spotter speaks encouraging words or helps me lift, and he provides just enough help so that I can finish that last rep or two. He really helps me have a great workout instead of just a good workout.

  • The Squeeze

    May 12, 2004


    The life of a coach goes something like this: gets up early, goes to office, teaches class or watches film, meets with other coaches, has a lunch meeting, goes over more film, reviews scouting reports, teaches more class, prepares for team meetings, has team meetings, has team practice, has follow-up meetings with coaches and players, and finally leaves for home. Once they get home, they review homework, chat with their spouse, spend time with kids, read a bedtime story, make a couple of calls, and finally eat dinner.

    Obviously, the life of a coach is a busy one — sometimes too busy. But is something missing? How could anything more possibly fit into that busy day? What is missing is vitally important, eternally important. This is where the squeeze comes in.

  • The Starting Line - Your New Identity In Christ

    August 03, 2010


    Therefore if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation; old things have passed away, and look, new things have come. –2 Corinthians 5:17

    What good news! If you’re a believer in Christ, you’ve become “new,” and the following is already true of you:

  • The Starting Line - Your New Life In Christ

    August 03, 2010

    The Starting Line - Your New Life In Christ

    Take The Challenge To Start Fast And Finish Strong!

    The Starting Line may be the most life-changing study you’ll ever complete. It will set the foundation for your relationship with Jesus. Whether you’re a new Christian or in need of a spiritual “jump start,” The Starting Line will bring focus and direction as you come out of the blocks in your “run” with Christ—both on and off the field of competition. Going through this study is just the starting point of a lifelong race of adventure, sacrifice, and commitment in your life with Jesus.

  • The Stewardship in Sports

    October 11, 2010


    Christian parents warn their children to stay away from harmful movies, television shows, peers, Web sites, and other such influences, only to dump them into the world of sports that typically contains all the negative things they have told their children to avoid.

  • The Story Behind Fields of Faith

    June 05, 2006

    The Story Behind Fields of Faith

    It all started a few short years ago. I was frustrated by looking at the culture of the United States and its moral digression. I couldn’t help but think about my three kids who were about to become teenagers, and I was particularly struggling with the fact that we had so many great Christian resources in America — more than at any other time in history — and, yet, we still seemed to be losing the moral and spiritual battle. Everywhere my wife and I went, we were, as parents, always on the defense against the culture and the media. And anyone who knows anything about sports knows that if you’re always on defense, you’re not going to win. At some point you have to go on offense.

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