Part I
Obsession and Idolatry
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FCA Ryan Hall Summer Games Bible Study
FCA STEER Promotional Brochure
FCA is pleased to present a unique opportunity for farmers and ranchers to become involved in giving to FCA through the STEER program. FCA partners with STEER, Inc. in Bismarck, North Dakota.
Download the PDF brochure below to learn more.
FCA Teams Playbook
The FCA Teams Playbook is designed to equip, encourage and empower FCA Teams coaches. This resource outlines the philosophies and guidelines expected of FCA Teams coaches, players and parents.
This playbook will play a powerful role in providing a framework for coaches to unite their teams with a common purpose, vision and mission and to accomplish their goals and objectives.
Download the complete FCA Teams Playbook using the link below.
This document requires Adobe Acrobat Reader. (PDF)
FCA Training Update
“…train yourself in godliness, for, the training of the body has a limited benefit, but godliness is beneficial in every way...” –1 Timothy 4:7-8
Here within Paul’s wisdom to Timothy lies the driving force behind the FCA Institute: to train excellence in sports ministry. Just as extensive preparations are needed to compete at the highest athletic level, FCA wants their staff to receive a first-rate sports ministry education to better equip them to serve the sports community.
Utilize the updated FCA TV Commercial for broadcasting opportunities in your area! This professional 30-second spot captures the FCA ministry in a dynamic and visual way. You can download this web version or contact FCA Marketing at 816-892-1196 for other file formats.
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