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  • Pray Constantly

    June 01, 2009


    Orioles Second-base man Brian Roberts talks about the importance of prayer.

  • Pray Constantly

    June 01, 2009

    Pray Constantly
    • Brian prays in the batter’s box. When do you find yourself praying as an athlete?
    • In his prayers he wants to glorify God through whatever happens. Do you pray during competition? If so, are you praying for you to be glorified by doing something great, or are you praying for God to receive the glory in what happens? There is a HUGE difference…what is the difference to you?
    • How has God called you to pray as an athlete?
    • Read 1 Corinthians 10:31.

  • Pray for Patience

    April 07, 2011

    Pray for Patience

    Their comes a point in life where nothing just seems to go right. We get bad grades, we have to deal with injuries while we play a sport, we're not fitting in with the right crowd, or something just as simple like "I don't belong here." Trust me. I've been through my fair shares of these plenty of times. But no matter how dull life may seem, or how unlikely your luck is to turn around, you can't lose your Faith. Even when you think that everything seems impossible, it's not. Luke 1:37 states that NOTHING is impossible with God. More people need to believe this saying, because with all of the difficulties we face in the world everyday, I don't see how any of us could get through life without Christ.

  • Pray Like Birdie

    December 17, 2009

    Birdie Pitts served Christ for all of her 92 years on earth. On August 9, 2001, she went home to be with the Lord. She was my first official FCA prayer warrior when I started with FCA almost 20 years ago. Little did I know, however, that Birdie had actually started praying for me 11 years before I even joined FCA. I was in eighth grade when I first met two buddies, James and Tim (Birdie’s grandson), at a summer camp in New York. Not only did I make two lifetime friends at that camp, but I also made a commitment to full-time ministry.

  • Pray Specifically

    February 03, 2013


    Former Notre Dame football coach Knute Rockne said, “I’ve found that prayers work best when you have big players.” Maybe when it comes to football, big players do make the difference in prayer. In the game of life, I’ve discovered the bottom line to getting prayers answered. As I look back on the times God has answered my prayers, I know why I got the answer. It was because I prayed the right prayer. I was specific with God when I prayed.

    In Malachi 3:10 the Lord says, “Test Me in this way…See if I will not open the floodgates of heaven and pour out a blessing for you without measure.” Here we see the power of God to provide when we test Him. The way to test God is to be specific.

  • Prayer

    January 20, 2010


    Do you ever get irritated by your players, fellow coaches, or referee? Sometimes, instead of allowing God to fight our battles, we react with improper thoughts. Instead of resisting the powers we struggle against, we wage our own war. Occasionally, in a moment of frustration, have you even declared the fatal words, “I just can’t continue”?

    Well, rejoice, because God has provided us with the power and authority to serve an eviction notice to the enemy of our souls! God’s Word reminds us not to become timid or afraid when trials occur. Jesus requires us to stand our ground, take up our weapons of warfare, and fight by faith.

  • Prayer - Chapel

    October 15, 2007


    1 – Many people misunderstand our purpose in conducting a chapel for our team.

    • Some think that if we pray it will result in a win.
    • Some think that if we go to chapel we are more likely to win.
    • Some think that if we pray we get God on our side.
    • So what’s the point?
    • Does God even care about who wins today?

    2 – Joshua 5:13-15 sheds some light on such questions (read the text aloud).

  • Prayer Loading

    July 09, 2012


    Recently while I was fasting for a major FCA event we were hosting, I came to the realization that fasting was much like carbohydrate loading. As a marathon runner, I have used various forms of this tactic before my races. One way to “carbo load” is to deplete your body of energy-producing carbohydrates (sugars) for a few days, and then on the day before the activity, consume primarily carbohydrates. The idea is to use your maximized energy sources when you need them for your competition.

  • Prayer of Faith

    February 11, 2012


    I’ve come a long way in my life. I’ve been blessed all along this road I’ve been down. I’ve prayed a lot. I have a praying family and I have a lot of praying friends. I do believe that God is the Father. You trust in Him. He’s whom you answer to. He’s who knows you. I know that all the ability in the world wouldn’t amount to anything if I didn’t acknowledge that God gave it all to me. I pray about everything and it’s helped me get through a lot of situations.

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