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  • Colt McCoy - Pro Perspectives Study

    August 07, 2010


    Colt McCoy-Cleveland Browns

    Key Verse: "Honesty guides good people; dishonesty destroys treacherous people." - Proverbs 11:3

    • Colt talks about being honest in every situation.  Where do you struggle with being totally honest?

    • Honesty and integrity are main ingredients to a successful person/athlete.  How would you define both words?

    • When you get into trouble in your sport or home, why is honesty the best policy?  

  • Come Back

    December 12, 2013


    Jack Nicklaus, at age 59, underwent replacement of his left hip in January of 1999, forcing him to miss his first Masters in forty years. His doctors had predicted the six-time Masters champion wouldn’t be able to return to PGA tour golf for six months. Pleased with his rehabilitation, which included 18 holes daily, doctors released him to play again after four months.

    Injuries can be a discouraging setback for an athlete—physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Paul’s advice to Timothy is good for us to remember when we get discouraged. “I remind you to keep ablaze the gift of God that is in you…God has not given us a spirit of fearfulness, but one of power, love, and sound judgment” (2 Tm 1:6–7).

  • Come Forth as Gold

    December 14, 2007


    Everyone knows the story of Job and how God tested him with some pretty serious stuff. Though at times Job questioned why everything was happening to him, he never really lost sight that God was in control. After Job was tested and was proven faithful, God granted him more than he had ever had.

  • Comeback

    March 28, 2005


    The University of Illinois men's basketball team appeared to be buried, facing a 15-point deficit with 4:04 left in their 2005 regional championship game against Arizona. Deron Williams started an Illinois rally with a 3-pointer, and then capped an amazing comeback with another 3-pointer to tie the game and send it into overtime. The Fighting Illini held on for a 90-89 victory propelling them to the Final Four for the first time in 16 years. "Everyone probably thought it was over," said Williams. "We kept believing."

  • Comeback Kids

    May 08, 2009

    Comeback Kids

    There was a powerful calm in the air as Barton College Head Coach Ron Lievense prepared for the start of the 2007-08 men’s basketball season.

    Alone in the Bulldogs’ locker room in rural Wilson, N.C., Lievense moved quietly from locker to locker, praying. He prayed not for a return of the international fame that accompanied Barton’s national championship victory a season ago, but for each of his players, that they would look to the Lord for guidance and give Him the glory in all things.

  • Comfort Cycle

    January 05, 2010


    Hockey Chat:  There is a technique play in hockey know as “cycling”.  It’s a matter of one guy skating with the puck then passing it off to another player, moving the puck in the same way while the first guy takes the second guy’s position.  Sounds confusing?  It’s much harder to defend than to understand.  The premise is to skate until you get in trouble and then pass the puck back.  When that guy skates and gets in trouble, you’ll have skated back to be open so he can pass it to you.  The constant helping out the guy in trouble becomes a “cycle” that draws the defense and helps keep control of the puck.

  • Coming Home

    May 09, 2010


    Hockey Chat:  After winning the Stanley Cup in 1924, Montreal Canadiens players on their way to a victory party stashed the trophy in the trunk of their car. Part way to the festivities, the vehicle had a flat. The players removed the Cup to get at the spare, changed the tire and drove away leaving the Stanley Cup perched on a snow bank. Only when it came time to drink champagne from the Cup did they realize they didn't have it Cup with them. They drove back to where they'd changed the tire, found the Cup sitting there patiently waiting for them, and hastily reclaimed it.

  • Coming to America

    May 05, 2009

    Coming to America

    Adjusting to college is never easy. Experiencing life in a new town with new friends, freedoms and expectations. It can be overwhelming for the typical 18-year-old. But imagine adding "new continent" to the equation. Nothing is familiar. You are immersed in a culture of people who don't think, act or talk like you, and you are forced to try a new cuisine at each meal.


    That's the story of Elna de Villiers. One she has lived every day for the last four years.

  • Commitment

    June 02, 2008



  • Commitment

    February 02, 2005


    This is an agonizing time of the year for college football coaches and fans. Star high school athletes are making decisions that will determine where they will spend the next four years of their lives. They are taking official visits to college campuses around the country and are being given the royal treatment. Each school hopes that the recruit will commit to signing with them, and many do long before the official signing date. Even with commitments declared, college coaches continue to pursue these athletes, causing some to change their minds and sign with other schools. Recruits can state that they are a "soft" commitment to a school and continue to make visits to other campuses.

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