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  • Courage

    June 02, 2008



    • Tell us about a time when you showed courage in competition.
    • How have you seen other players demonstrate courage through sport?
    • Why do some people think courage is an important factor in making someone a winner?
    • Let’s read about a winner who showed great courage.  Read I Samuel 17:20-24, 31-37, 39-51.
    • What are to you the most striking features of David’s courage in this story?
    • How much is your experience with courage like his?
    • How can coaches and players inspire such courage in others?


  • Courage

    January 12, 2013


    When does sport demand courage? Is it when we face superior competition? Is courage a factor in overcoming fatigue? What role does courage play in overcoming adversity? Today’s Scripture links strength and courage in a powerful combination.

    Joshua had just taken leadership of his people after Moses had died. As he assumed this most intimidating role, God told him twice to be strong and courageous, adding the second time to be very courageous. Courage would obviously be a most important quality for Joshua’s leadership.

    What situations in today’s competitions may require us to be strong and very courageous? Some situations could be as scary to us now, as replacing Moses would have been to Joshua.

  • Courage Is...

    October 08, 2011


    Watch the video, then walk through the questions below.

    Key Verse: Haven't I commanded you: be strong and courageous? Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go. — Joshua 1:9

    • What are some quieter ways you can be more courageous in your life?
    • Do you think it is easier to go along with the crowd and not stand out? Why?
    • Have you ever faced a situation where you stood alone on your convictions? How did that situation impact you and others around you?
    • Read Joshua 1:9. Do you feel stronger knowing that God is always with you? Are there any bold actions you would be willing to take knowing God has your back?

  • Courage Is...

    September 07, 2011


  • Courtney Paris

    March 01, 2009


  • Cow - Tongue Football

    June 12, 2009


    Go to your local meat market and purchase a cow tongue (yes people eat them, usually boiled!) Keep the tongue frozen until the day you play, then thaw it out so it's fairly stiff when you start out. Play a game of football using Pass-Go a.k.a. Ultimate Frisbee rules and use the cow tongue instead of a frisbee or football. The longer you play, the less frozen the tongue, the more floppy the action. Kids will come out in droves just to see people throwing a cow's tongue to each other!

    Follow the game with a devotion on the importance of "taming the tongue" from James 3:3-12.

  • Cravings

    June 08, 2004


    Smarty Jones became the third consecutive horse, and the 18th overall, to fail to win the Triple Crown after winning the first two legs. Virtually an unknown before winning the Kentucky Derby, many fans have grown to adore the young Philly. "We're starving for a Triple Crown winner, and I think everyone thought that this was the one, including myself," said Smarty Jones' trainer John Servis.

  • Crawford and Karen Loritts

    July 27, 2010


    Audio from the 2010 Cove retreat at the Billy Graham Center in Ashville, North Carolina.

    Session 1

    Session 2

  • Create Content

    May 06, 2010


    Choose the appropriate item from the list:

  • Creating a New Normal

    February 25, 2010


    Most coaches have heard the phrase “the coaches’ widow.” Among football coaches, that phrase is explained with the following admonition: “Kiss your wife in August and tell her you’ll see her in December.” That’s the motto that most coaches live by in our culture. Funny thing is, Christ never challenged us to do what “most people” do. As Christians, we are called to live to a higher standard—to create a new normal in our culture.

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