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  • Double-Edged Sword

    September 17, 2013


    As athletes and coaches we know a lot about disciplining our bodies, but there is one muscle we often neglect to discipline: our tongues. Our gifts and skills may allow us to achieve athletic success, but our ability to maintain that success and honor God with it has much to do with how we use our words.

    Genesis 1:1 says, "In the beginning God created..." How did He create? By speaking. Throughout the next few verses of the chapter, it is revealed that God did not simply act, He used words to establish creation. “And God said…” This gives us the earliest demonstration of the power of words. Later, when "the Word became flesh" and Jesus came to live among us (John 1:14), we read that He used words to fight the temptations of Satan by declaring the Word of God (Matthew 4).

  • Down with the Idols

    April 23, 2009


    Man, I am a workout-aholic. Can I get an amen from anyone else out there? Ever since I was in high school I’ve lived by a motto I read on a t-shirt: “Somewhere, someone is working out. And when you meet her in head-to-head competition, she will beat you.” I think somewhere along the line I adopted that as my personal mantra (especially when I started running), and I have been a gym rat ever since.

  • Dreaded Stress!

    November 20, 2009


    Seems like everybody is so stressed out! Is this God’s plan?

  • Dream a Little

    November 12, 2013


    What are fantasies? They are usually a big waste of time and, as stated above, they lack sense. Fantasies are different than dreams. Dreams have the potential to come from God and, therefore, can be instrumental in bringing working direction to our daily lives. The right dream can bring foundational vision to what we do.

    Here are some examples of potentially good dreams: striving for a high GPA, shooting to make all-league at shortstop, helping a friend become a Christian.

  • Dream Big!

    March 28, 2014


    Have you ever been a part of a team that had a break-through year? In my own experiences as both a player and a coach, I find that those moments happen after a great deal of planning and training. Usually those “miracle” seasons don’t just happen; they are the result of hard work and effort. But one thing they do have in common is a big dream.

  • Dream On!

    September 14, 2013


    When I was 8 years old, I did a lot of dreaming. My dad would take me to college lacrosse games, and I would stand by the field saying, “One day I want to play on that field!”

  • Dream Team

    June 10, 2011

    Dream Team

    Atlanta Dream guard Shalee Lehning has a favorite example of teamwork from the Bible. It’s found in Mark 2, and it tells the story of a group of men who were dead-set on bringing their paralyzed friend to Jesus for healing.


  • Dreams

    September 11, 2010


    Every year I look at my team’s schedule of games during preseason and start to calculate wins and losses. One game I’m certain we’ll win, another we probably won’t, and still another will be a toss-up. Though each season is filled with uncertainty and challenges, the majority of coaches still dream about championships and most valuable player awards. What’s exciting to me is that God can do immeasurably more than all of those expectations combined.

  • Drew Brees

    December 30, 2009


  • Drew Brees

    December 01, 2005


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