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  • Circle of Compliments

    June 12, 2009


    This icebreaker can be used with a large or small group. Everyone gets a partner and sits in a circle. One of the partners sits facing the inside of the circle, while the other partner sits in front of them, facing their partner. For about 20-30 seconds each, the partners exchange what they like about the other person (it can be anything from hair to spirituality, depending on how well the partners know one another). After 30 seconds, the outer circle moves one person to the left, and begins the cycle over again.

    Not only did our FCA Huddle get a lot of laughs out of what was said, the compliments made you feel great for the rest of the day. 

  • Cow - Tongue Football

    June 12, 2009


    Go to your local meat market and purchase a cow tongue (yes people eat them, usually boiled!) Keep the tongue frozen until the day you play, then thaw it out so it's fairly stiff when you start out. Play a game of football using Pass-Go a.k.a. Ultimate Frisbee rules and use the cow tongue instead of a frisbee or football. The longer you play, the less frozen the tongue, the more floppy the action. Kids will come out in droves just to see people throwing a cow's tongue to each other!

    Follow the game with a devotion on the importance of "taming the tongue" from James 3:3-12.

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