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  • Weigh Nothing Light

    September 30, 2003


    Leader: Weigh nothing light on my soul
    Are you still in control

    Student 1: 3,000 children and teens a day see their parent’s marriage end in divorce

    Leader: I desperately need You, I desperately know
    Love left me hungry, life gave me pain
    This world washed dreams away like the gray rain

    Student 3: 66% of the population believes that absolute truth cannot be found

    Leader: In you is my promise, I’m so afraid I let it slow
    In You is salvation, in You is my glow
    So sinking and worthless
    So stinking, so fruitless
    Smudges like newspaper, sooty and raw

    Student 2: The suicide rate among teen has quadrupled in the last 4 decades

  • Weighed Down?

    September 23, 2009


    Life can get heavy in more ways than one!

  • Well Done, Coach

    June 08, 2010

    While talking with his son, John Wooden told him that he needed to shave because he was going to see his bride very soon. The basketball coaching legend knew his final breath was coming, and he wanted to be ready to meet his Maker and his wife. Going home to glory at the age of 99, Wooden left an example for all coaches, no matter what the sport, to follow.

    NBA great Jerry West said, “He did not have two sets of rules for his players…they all played under the same rules.” Wooden was true to his faith in Christ, true to his family, and true to his fundamentals of life, which had been taught to him by his parents back in Indiana so many years ago.

  • Wes Neal with Ron Brown

    February 14, 2009


    Author and speaker Wes Neal talks about what should motiviate us when playing or coaching sports.

  • Wes Neal with Ron Brown

    February 07, 2009


    Author and speakier Wes Neal talks about what it means to perform before an Audience of One.

  • West Texas Fire

    September 01, 2012

    West Texas Fire

    On Oct. 10, students across the nation will pack their local football stadiums, standing shoulder to shoulder on a cool fall night. The crowds won’t be drawn in for matchups against big rivals, but for a far more powerful and important cause—the salvation of their classmates and the opportunity to share Jesus’ love at a Fields of Faith event.

  • We’re All Brothers

    April 02, 2013

    “We’re all brothers” is a quip we used to say in high school football. I loved the meaning of this statement—we’re all in this together and will support each other no matter what! I felt the love when it was shouted for all to hear. A brotherhood is not a neighborhood. A brotherhood is a group of people bonded together that faces obstacles together. A neighborhood is just a place we reside. A brotherhood is a union or fraternity that joins forces to win—just like a team.

  • What a Difference a Huddle Makes

    May 05, 2009

    What a Difference a Huddle Makes

    Every Friday morning at Hardee Junior High School in Wauchula, Fla., more than 750 students can be found crammed into the auditorium for an FCA Huddle meeting. In a little more than half an hour, school will begin for the day. But for now, in the junior high auditorium amid the backpacks, textbooks and hundreds of sixth, seventh and eighth graders, praise music blares, and the message of Christ's redeeming love is preached.


    Almost 200 students have given their lives to Christ during the morning meetings.


  • What a Gift

    December 25, 2012


    Chris Tidland is a very good golfer. However, for six straight years he missed the final cut in q-school by a couple of strokes. In 2005, it came down to the final hole, and he missed it by one stroke. Many athletes would stop trying after all those years, but knowing Chris, he would never give up. The following year, Tidland again found himself in the top 30 players on the leaderboard in the final round. Only the final 30 would advance to the PGA Tour the next season. Would he finish strong and get an early Christmas present?

  • What About Me?

    February 09, 2014


    As a certified athletic trainer, I have spent many hours watching football practices and games. I pay especially close attention to all of my linemen (the big boys on the front line). It’s amazing how you watch these young men get down and block, all for the sole purpose of creating holes for the running backs or protecting the all-important quarterback. These linemen perform blocks and pulls throughout every practice and game, yet we rarely ever hear their names being called out on the loudspeakers telling of the great job they are doing.

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