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Weigh Nothing Light

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By FCA Resources

September 30, 2003

Leader: Weigh nothing light on my soul
Are you still in control

Student 1: 3,000 children and teens a day see their parent’s marriage end in divorce

Leader: I desperately need You, I desperately know
Love left me hungry, life gave me pain
This world washed dreams away like the gray rain

Student 3: 66% of the population believes that absolute truth cannot be found

Leader: In you is my promise, I’m so afraid I let it slow
In You is salvation, in You is my glow
So sinking and worthless
So stinking, so fruitless
Smudges like newspaper, sooty and raw

Student 2: The suicide rate among teen has quadrupled in the last 4 decades

Student 4: An estimated 270,000 guns are carried to school in America every day
Leader: Where did You go? Why did I leave?
This absence felt keenly, I need You to breathe
I’m trying to find You, I diving below

Student 2: It has been said that the mark of my generation is a reason for HOPE
Leader: Hoping I find Your purity, more holy than snow
Still feeling gone, all the ways that I’ve shifted
But You’re here and I’m here,

Student 1: On September 12, over 3 million students gathered around their school’s
flagpoles to pray for their campus, community and country.
Leader: You, just give me wings
Like an eagle I’ll fly above all pointless things

Student 3: In the year 2001, 500,000 students are meeting at their schools in 7,700 FCA
groups nationwide
Leader: The yokes are so heavy, the gap is so side
Crucified by my ignorance, and dying in my pride

Student 4: Last year, I prayed for my school

Student 1: Last month, I invited my classmates to our campus meeting

Student 3: Last week I shared my faith with my friend

Student 2: IN Northern VA there are over 2,000 students like me meeting on a weekly basis
in the name of HOPE

Leader: So please be my answer, and please help me cope
So don’t let me leave You, so tied to Your Hope
Always stay in control
Weigh nothing light on my soul 



Adapted from a poem by Ana Maria Skolnitsky

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