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All Archive - January 2004

  • Leaving a Mark?

    January 28, 2004


    An imprint is permanent mark. It means to engrave, etch, impress or inscribe. I remember as an eight-year-old, I had a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to ride my older brother's motorcycle. I wanted to show him how "big" I was, so I took off with reckless abandonment! Around 100 yards down the dirt road, my front tire hit a hole that I never saw. As I flew through the air, my life passed before my eyes. I landed in a ditch, and the motorcycle landed on my back! Ouch! Thankfully, as a result of being in the ditch, the only part of the motorcycle that was touching my back was the muffler. As the muffler burned through my shirt and my flesh, I experienced a world of hurt. My brother rescued me and I was forbidden to ride his bike again.

  • Looking Up

    January 27, 2004


    It has become a regular occurrence in professional sports today to see athletes look up toward Heaven and point their finger. The Chicago Tribune published an article (01/22/2004) on the trend attempting to determine why different athletes look to Heaven and point. Philadelphia Eagles' receiver James Thrash looks toward Heaven and points after nearly every catch. He says this is, "just a reminder to everyone that I'm in it for the Lord."

    I'm not naive enough to think that all athletes who look up to Heaven and point are showing their love for God. However, I think this is an opportunity for Christians to remember to look to God in all situations.

  • S.D.M.S.

    January 26, 2004


    Recently I was diagnosed with a serious condition. This condition could be fatal if not taken care of quickly. The condition can affect every part of a man's life. It is called S.D.M.S--Stubborn Dumb Male Syndrome. I have had it for some time, but recently realized how bad my condition has gotten. In fact, many men have this condition. It can strike at any time and any place--on the field or off, at home, at work or even in church. If not treated, it can harden a man's heart and turn him from the proper medication.

  • Are You Sure?

    January 16, 2004


    Every decision in the NFL playoffs is crucial because it’s "go on or go home" time. With his St. Louis Rams down by three points and 15 yards from the end zone late in their 2004 playoff game against the Carolina Panthers, Rams' coach, Mike Martz elected to let the clock run down and kick a field goal to send the game to overtime. The Panthers prevailed in OT, 29-23. After being questioned about his decision to play for overtime, Martz said, "I was very sure about the decision, and I don't regret that decision."

  • Pursuit of Greatness

    January 13, 2004


    Every athlete is after greatness. But the pursuit is short-lived for many. One petite athlete has been in pursuit for many, many years now. Michelle Kwan won her eighth U.S. title on January 11. She has been in pursuit of greatness for more than 13 years and doesn't appear to be stopping any time soon. Her goal is the next Olympics games in 2006. She is going for more!

  • Confession

    January 12, 2004


    "I bet on baseball in 1987 and 1988." After denying it for nearly 15 years, baseball legend Pete Rose finally admitted that he bet on baseball and his own team while managing the Cincinnati Reds. Rose's confession is the root of his new autobiography, "My Prison Without Bars."

    God gives us a lot of guidelines on how to live life in Scripture. Yet, I find the command to confess our sins to one another is a hard thing for many to do — not just Pete Rose. So often our sins are secret. We keep our sins locked up in a fireproof safe. Sometimes we might confess to God (which is good), but others … no way! It'd be humiliating, embarrassing and would ruin our image. I have these thoughts all the time.

  • I Love This Game

    January 08, 2004


    One of the biggest conflicts I've had with teams that I've coached is how much they've said they loved the game. I would watch a game with them, and they'd tell me over and over how much they loved to play and how great the game is to them. I would immediately ask them, "When is the last time you were in the gym working on it?" I would get the same response, "I love to play, not practice."

  • New Year, New Life

    January 07, 2004


    New Year's resolutions. I have made a thousand over the years. Some have worked, others have not gone so well. Every January we have the chance to start a brand new year. As athletes, we set goals to become bigger, faster and stronger and to improve our personal performance. As coaches, we strive to learn more, listen more and win more. But a new year brings us much, much more. What makes this year different?

  • Agree to Disagree

    January 06, 2004


    The 2003-04 college football season has ended. So who is the best team in the country? USC and LSU both ended the season with only one loss and ranked No. 1 in the AP and coaches polls, respectively. Should there be a playoff system for Division I college football? Because these two teams will not get a shot to decide the national championship on the field, these debates will go on for a long, long time.

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