Seattle Mariners pitcher R.A. Dickey, former Major League pitcher Dave Dravecky, University of Texas starting center Chris Hall and FCA President Les Steckel
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All Archive - September 2008
DETOX: Oprah-Style
While a health “detox” can help restore vibrant health, don’t follow in Oprah’s footsteps!
What Is Your Threshhold?
How do you know if you should exercise harder? Well our bodies are usually willing and able to do whatever we believe they can do!
Radio Commercials
We are excited to offer you a large range of radio spots to help promote FCA in your area.
We have a variety of general spots as well as specialty spots promoting different aspects of our ministry.How to use them:
- Select the one(s) you want to air when you have a station in your area donating PSA’s/radio time to FCA. We include a single .ZIP file with all of the ads.
- Be proactive and call on a local station who might have a manager with a heart for FCA.
Suggested stations to contact:
Use It or Lose It
Our bodies are meant to move! So if you don’t get moving, you will lose your health.
#56 - StVRP - Jason Elam, Bill Buckley and Ron Curll
Atlanta Falcons kicker Jason Elam, FCA Area Director in Southern Mississippi Bill Buckley, Paralympian Ron Curll, FCA President Les Steckel
Back 2 School - Kids & Lunch - Eat This!
What you pack for lunch builds performance and lifelong habits!
Back 2 School - Kids & Breakfast - Eat This!
The right breakfast can set you and your kids up for success!
Throwing the Bomb
Set:During this past off season NFL quarterback Brett Favre found himself in the middle of a sports controversy. As the events played out regarding Farve and the personnel of the Green Bay Packers, it became apparent that Favre harbored some hurt feelings and resentment toward his former team.
Sometimes we can be offended by what someone asks us to do or by what they say to us. How are we to respond in times like these? Well, as I watched Brett Favre hurl a bomb downfield to a speeding receiver this weekend, I gained a little more understanding of what God wants us to do in these situations.
Back 2 School - Kids & Performance
Can what you feed your kids for Breakfast really affect their performance in the classroom?
Resolve - Daniel Study - Chapter 2
Resolve- to decide, to purpose, a firm determination (Webster’s Dictionary)
How important is a firm determination in competition? Resolve comes from an inner conviction that a certain way to go is the right way. As coaches, we have to be convinced that our training program and game plan are going to work. Tony Dungy was resolved to coach his players God’s way because he was convinced it was the right way to go. By doing things God’s way, he was convinced he would also get the best from his players.
Name a person or team that has demonstrated resolve.
How has this person impacted you?
Introduction - Daniel Study
I am excited about the journey you are about to take through the book of Daniel. It is an awesome book with some familiar stories about the lion’s den and fiery furnace. The truths in this book will greatly challenge you in the areas of courage, boldness, faith and security in God alone. I have been greatly humbled by the courage and faith of Daniel, Hanniah, Mishael and Azariah. They were faithful to God from their teens to their 80s. They are great examples and role models for trusting God in tough times. As you study this book, I would like for you to keep in mind several things that will assist your understanding:
Risk And Reward - Daniel Study - Chapter 3
Risk and danger go hand-in-hand. Taking a risk usually implies a positive or negative reward depending upon the outcome. Coaches take risks all the time, although some coaches are more risky than others. Going for it on a fourth down, shooting a threepointer when down by only two and starting the freshman player instead of the senior are all risks. If the decision does not work, there are plenty of questions to answer, but if the decision does work, then you look like a genius.
Can you recall a time that you took a risk in coaching? How did it work out?
The Most High God & Humility - Daniel Study - Chapter 4
It is obvious from reading Daniel chapter three that Nebuchadnezzar, though influenced by Daniel, did not fully embrace Daniel’s God. Nebuchadnezzar built a 90-foot-high, 9-foot-wide statue made of gold, which may have resembled the one from his dream, and placed it in the plain of Dura. Then, he commanded everyone to bow down and worship the image or be thrown into the fiery furnace. In his dream, (chapter 2) he and Babylon were represented by the head made of gold, but this entire statue was made of pure gold. It is possible that Nebuchadnezzar was making a bold statement that he was not planning on giving up his power to anyone or any god.
Is there someone in your life that is fighting for control or power?
The Writing On The Wall & Courage - Daniel Study - Chapter 6
We have all heard the statement “the writing is on the wall.” Coaches have felt the truth of this statement after a big loss, during a losing season or after their job was terminated. If you have gone through the “writing is on the wall” experience, share the heart issues you wrestled with during that difficult time.
Note: King Belshazzar experienced the writing on the wall because of pride and rebellion, but that may not be why you went through your experience. If it is, then confess it to God. If not, then know that God wants to use your trial and pain for His glory.
The Lion’s Den and Faithfulness - Daniel Study - Chapter 7
Ever feel like you are in a lion’s den where hungry lions are ready to tear you limb from limb? In your den, you may have people trying to get rid of you, make you look bad, make up false accusations about your character, question your every decision, or make a mockery of your faith. If there is a job best-suited for a lion’s den, it is coaching. If anyone in the Bible can feel your pain, it is Daniel. He was in the lion’s den because he was such a good leader and others were jealous of his success. His adversaries despised his success and his God, so they formed a plot to have him eliminated.
God’s Redemptive Plan - Daniel Study - Chapter 8
If you have not received Christ as your Savior and Lord, I ask you to please read the following pages. The most important thing you can have in life is a relationship with Jesus Christ. This can also be used as one of the lessons in your study of Daniel.
Speak the Truth, Live With the End in Mind - Daniel Study - Chapter 9
Living with the end in mind is key to my confidence today. If, as a coach, you knew the final score of the game was in your favor, how would you coach during the game? In the game of life and eternity, God is the champion, and victory is guaranteed. Daniel chapters 7 to 12 give us a glimpse into the future in which God will reign with all who believe.
Honesty and insight - Daniel Study - Chapter 10
Daniel chapter eight is not discussed as a lesson, but is referred to in Chapter nine. Chapter eight deals mainly with prophecies fulfilled in the Greek and Roman empires that are more fully explained in Chapters 9-11. So for the sake of not dealing with the same information twice we will move to Chapter 9.
Secure coaches are honest. They are honest about themselves and the team. Without being negative for negativity’s sake, honest assessment is critical. Total honesty about your past and current situation is the starting block for knowing how to proceed in the future. Sometimes assessment is humbling, but to glaze over reality will only hurt your effectiveness in the future.
Strong In Spirit - Daniel Study - Chapter 11
Competition is a good thing. Competition allows us to measure ourselves, to strive for better things and can keep us grounded or humble. What would happen if you played a game against a very competitive opponent but you did not compete in return? If you played the game but did not care about the outcome or how well you were doing, you would likely get whipped. Sadly, many of us are playing a spiritual game, and we are not competing. We are getting whipped spiritually day after day, on and off the field, but we just keep going. Hopefully, this chapter will change the way you compete.
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