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All Archive - January 2010

  • Prove It

    January 21, 2010


    Hockey Chat: There is only one true Stanley Cup.  It is authenticated by the seal of the Hockey Hall of Fame in the bottom of the Cup which can be seen when winning players lift the Cup over their heads.

  • Shepherding a Championship Team

    January 20, 2010


    The University of Alabama defeated Texas for the National Championship in college football.  Go inside with the team as Dr. Gary Cramer shares his calling as chaplain to the Crimson Tide.

  • Becoming a Volunteer Chaplain

    January 20, 2010

    What does it take to be a successful volunteer chaplain? Doug Pollock, chaplain for the basketball teams at Bradley answers that question and much more as he walks you through the process.

  • What Stinks?

    January 20, 2010


    I had a point guard who struggled early on with her play and self-confidence. After beating herself up after a practice, I stood by her and said, "What stinks?" She replied, "My game." I disagreed and told her it was her attitude about her game. I told her to stop her stinkin' thinkin'!

    To many times as athletes (and coaches) we tend to think the worst about ourselves or our situations. We tend to find our value in who we are as athletes, not in who we are in Christ. When this happens, as it did with this player, our stinkin' thinkin' takes over and our God-pleasing thoughts take a back seat.

  • Get Back Up!

    January 20, 2010


    Those that overcome discouragement and failure, win.

  • Movin' On

    January 20, 2010


    Hockey Chat:  There are some great stories of come behind games.  Times when teams were down and out but worked their way back to score goals and win.  Sometimes its after they come out of the locker room and just play like a new team.  Sometimes it’s putting aside the fact that you just lost 3 straight games in a best of seven series.  In the final playoff series of the 1942 NHL season, the Toronto Maple Leafs did just that and went on to beat the Detroit Redwings the next 4 games and hoist the Cup.

  • Prayer

    January 20, 2010


    Do you ever get irritated by your players, fellow coaches, or referee? Sometimes, instead of allowing God to fight our battles, we react with improper thoughts. Instead of resisting the powers we struggle against, we wage our own war. Occasionally, in a moment of frustration, have you even declared the fatal words, “I just can’t continue”?

    Well, rejoice, because God has provided us with the power and authority to serve an eviction notice to the enemy of our souls! God’s Word reminds us not to become timid or afraid when trials occur. Jesus requires us to stand our ground, take up our weapons of warfare, and fight by faith.

  • Spreadin' the News

    January 19, 2010


    Hockey Chat:  2008-2009 season marked the first time in the 82 year franchise history that every game of the Chicago Blackhawks was televised.  This moved was a big change from the “blackout” ruling that had been in place from earlier ownership.  With the new ability to watch the games came a great interest in the sport making the Hawks games the highest attended of any hockey venue for the entire season.

  • The Invisible Elephant

    January 19, 2010


    Most of our barriers are all in our head!

  • Build Up

    January 19, 2010


    Hockey Chat:  Although hockey pucks are hardened by the vulcanization process in which they are made, the black biscuits are kept frozen during an NHL game to stop them from bouncing on the ice which gives better control.  Sometimes the refs swap thawed pucks out with chilled pucks during stops.  It takes a little extra attention to keep them hard but it makes for a better playing puck.

  • Is It In You?

    January 18, 2010


    What’s the true source of your power and strength?

  • Sharp Shooter

    January 18, 2010


    Hockey Chat:  A regulation size hockey goal opening is 24 square feet.  A fully armored goalie covers approximately 18 square feet of that space leaving only 6 square feet of open net and that’s with the goalie standing still.  It takes practice and determination to get the puck into the mere 25% of the goal that is uncovered while that padded guy is hopping around in front to stop it.

  • The Toilet Paper Game

    January 15, 2010


    All you would need is a brand new roll of toilet paper. Any kind works. You go around your group telling each person to take how ever many sheets they use when they go to the bathroom. You cannot tell them what the toilet paper is for until after everyone in the group has a few sheets. After everyone has a few sheets of toilet paper, they have to write one fact about themselves on one sheet of toliet paper.

    For example: I take 10 sheets of toilet paper, I would have to write 10 facts about myself on each sheet of toilet paper. Like I have 3 brothers and 1 sister.

    To make the game more fun, have your group members write random facts that they never told anyone before or facts that don't seem like it would be their thing they like to do.

  • 3 Minute Drill - Drew Brees Video Study

    January 15, 2010

    3 Minute Drill - Drew Brees Video Study

    Sharing the Victory magazine sat down with New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees to talk about leadership, spiritual discipline and the pressures of the NFL. Walk through this four part study by using the questions and videos below.

  • The Effort is Worth It

    January 15, 2010


    Have you ever heard the phrase, “Nothing good comes easy”?

  • Power Play

    January 15, 2010


    Hannah made the varsity tennis team as a sophomore, eventually beating Mindy, a senior, for the number two singles spot. Hannah became very arrogant in her new position of power, bossing her teammates around and telling them to do things for her. When Mindy did not budge, Hannah became angry. She would do anything to make Mindy look bad in front of the coaches. Mindy did not retaliate; she went about her business playing doubles in her final year. Hannah would not let up. Her dislike for Mindy turned into hate, and she tried to get Mindy kicked off the team. Does this sound familiar?

  • Finger Pointing

    January 15, 2010


    Hockey Chat:  We’ve seen it at every level.  From the pee-wee’s up through the professionals.  As much as skaters on the same team try to move fluently and work together, there is always some moment in some games where two guys on the same team cross paths and trip each other up.  The lack of proper communication or the way they communicated caused them to run into each other.  One misjudged the other and they both wound up in the same space and down on the ice. 

  • Alka-Seltzer Duel

    January 14, 2010


    You may play this game as a quick up-front game or even as a 4-person tournament. 2 contestants, each armed with a squirt gun, will take five paces and turn to duel. On each of their foreheads, you will have attached an Alka-seltzer tablet with double stick tape (possibly use big rubber bands if tape doesn’t work). They draw and shoot the water at each other, the first one to dissolve the tablet on the other's forehead wins. Use swim goggles for each to protect their eyes. The tablet will fizz and foam all over the place.

    Have towels close by for clean-up. A cheesy western song (think Clint Eastwood or Lone Ranger) and some “cowboys” or “cowgirls” add to this one.

  • Asking for Help

    January 13, 2010


    Why is asking so hard for some of us? Whether it’s for a ride to the airport, a few dollars for lunch, or financial support for FCA camp, many of us avoid asking for things we or others need.

    Of course, there are times when even the most self-sufficient among us is willing to swallow our pride and plead before “the throne of grace.” I have personally witnessed the humbling of coaches, players, and fans when difficult circumstances turned them into fervent prayer warriors. Sometimes the difficulty is momentary, such as during a game when the team is down by a point with a few ticks left on the clock and the least-talented shooter is on the free-throw line. Who among us hasn’t uttered a prayer in times like these?

  • Two Ounces of Power

    January 13, 2010


    Coach Sleepy Thompson was one of those coaches that everyone wanted to play for. He not only knew how to win football games, but also how to develop young men. As my high school football coach, I remember him as an encourager—a coach that instilled life into his players. We walked a little taller as a result of his living out one of his favorite sayings, “Accentuate the positive.” A day would not go by without Coach Thompson reminding us of that principle. It was short and sweet and yielded powerful results. He stressed accentuating the positive at every practice and made it an essential characteristic of our team. He focused on the good in players instead of the bad; the future instead of the past. His words gave us purpose and meaning.

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