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All Archive - July 2010

  • Don't Stop Preaching

    July 31, 2010


    Every single person is in a position to lead…it doesn’t matter how good you are at your sport, or how popular you are on your campus, every person has the opportunity to influence other people.

    I played JV soccer this past year at my high school, but I’m friends with all of the Varsity guys and I would always talk and hangout with them.

  • influence

    July 30, 2010


    As coaches, we have the opportunity to exert a powerful influence on the young people we coach. This influence is partly related to our coaching style and personalities. It is also related to the role we play in the lives of student athletes. We determine whether or not a young person will make the team and be a significant contributor.

    We have all witnessed “in your face” coaches whose intensity rises to the level of demeaning individual athletes. The “in your face” style works on occasion if it’s used to challenge young athletes to improve their skills. However, when it is carried to extremes, it causes much more harm than good. No one wants to be humiliated by someone they respect and who determines their success on the team.

  • In the Zone

    July 30, 2010


    How many times have you heard it said that an athlete is “in the zone”? You know exactly what that means. Every athlete wants to get in that zone. When we’re there, we don’t feel any pain. We don’t feel exhaustion. We feel pretty close to unbeatable.

  • Sharks and Minnows

    July 29, 2010


    Sharks and Minnows can be played outside or in a gym.

    In the gym, you can use the baseline and mid court line of the basketball court. The boundaries are from sideline to sideline. If outside, you will need to draw or tape lines about 30-40ft apart. Have the group all stand on one of the lines (they will be the minnows).

    Pick one kid to stand on the opposite line (they will be the shark. On you word, the minnows will try to run to the other line and avoid being tagged by the shark. The shark tries to tag as many minnows as they can. If a minnow is tagged, they turn into a shark for the next round.

    Physical Activity Level: 
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  • Only One

    July 29, 2010


  • Not an Expert

    July 29, 2010

    Not an Expert

  • ThyPhone

    July 29, 2010


  • Taking One for the Team

    July 29, 2010


    I play softball for my high school, and I love it. The game, the fans, my fellow athletes—everything about the whole experience. I love it all! Every now and then in a game I am faced with a situation in which I need to take one for the team. Whether that is allowing myself to be hit by an inside pitch to get to first base, or trying to hit a grand slam to get more runs, or sitting on the bench so that another player can play. There are many chances for me to do whatever I need to in order to help the team.

  • Integrity or Not?

    July 28, 2010


    David was known as "A man after God's own heart". He made plenty of mistakes in his life, however, he always searched for truth and the truth was in the Lord. He was known as a man of integrity.

    This past week, my integrity was put to test. I grew up playing baseball and continued to play into my college years. Ever since I was in high school I have wanted to become a head baseball coach at either the high school or college level. Many years later, that continuous prayer has not been answered. It is all about God's time not mine.

  • Quenching the Thirst Within

    July 27, 2010


    My youngest daughter and I recently ventured out on a three-day backpacking trip. Our biggest concern was finding water on our second day. We had a water-purifying pump with us, but if we didn't find any water, the pump would be useless.

    Days before the trip, I had prayed that we would find enough water to get us through. When we made it to our camping area, we found a water hole that was 2'x1' with about eight inches of water in it. We had enough water for the evening, but we weren't sure we’d have enough for the next day. That night we were hit with a thunderstorm, and it rained through the night. The next morning, we found that our water hole had become a raging brook. We even had a hard time crossing it!

  • Laura Story Testimony

    July 27, 2010


    Audio from the 2010 Cove retreat at the Billy Graham Center in Ashville, North Carolina. Includes the testimony of Laura Story.


  • Les and Chris Steckel

    July 27, 2010


    Audio from the 2010 Cove retreat at the Billy Graham Center in Ashville, North Carolina. Includes the testimony of Les and Chris Steckel.



  • Ken Smith

    July 27, 2010


    Audio from the 2010 Cove retreat at the Billy Graham Center in Ashville, North Carolina. Files include audio from session 5 wtih Ken Smith.

  • Open Mic & Les Steckel

    July 27, 2010


    Audio from the 2010 Cove retreat at the Billy Graham Center in Ashville, North Carolina. Includes open mic segments as well as comments from Les Steckel.

  • Crawford and Karen Loritts

    July 27, 2010


    Audio from the 2010 Cove retreat at the Billy Graham Center in Ashville, North Carolina.

    Session 1

    Session 2

  • It's All in His Hands

    July 26, 2010


    Death is always a difficult topic to grasp. Whenever someone dies we always wonder, where was God when they died, and why did He let it happen to them? From movie stars, professional athletes, and other celebrities to firefighters, police officers, and loved ones; our hearts are filled with grief and for a while everything pales in comparison to our loss.

  • Personal Devotion

    July 26, 2010


    David believed in both personal and corporate worship, and therefore his public life reflected his private life. In fact, David’s love for God affected the worship of an entire nation. We read in 1 Chronicles 16 how the nation of Israel brought the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem, and as a result, David called upon key worship leaders to sing and make music to the Lord. “On that day David decreed for the first time that thanks be given to the LORD by Asaph and his relaives” (1 Ch 16:7). Given that David was a musician and songwriter and Asaph was a worship leader, the psalm in 1 Chronicles 16 is filled with praise and thanksgiving. It was set to music and sung before the people.

  • Ownership

    July 26, 2010

    One of the greatest things I have experienced as an athlete and now as a coach is the development of a team by the groups that have truly understood this concept. A true team does not happen simply because a group of players are organized into a unit. The true team consists of individuals who take ownership of their responsibility to work together and strive for the same goals. In this situation, individuals place the team above their individual aspirations.

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