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All Archive - August 2010

  • Living the Christian Life - Louie Giglio Study

    August 07, 2010


    Key Verse: "Then he said to the crowd, 'If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross daily, and follow me.'" -  Luke 9:23

    • Have you ever felt like your life is so messed up that you have blown your chance with God?  Explain.

    • Christ does not love us based on our performance, but what He did at the cross for us.  Have you ever struggled with feeling that you’re not doing enough for God?  Why do you feel that way?

    • In the Christian faith, the cross symbolizes everything we believe.  What does the cross of Christ mean to you?  

  • Keyara Criner Study

    August 07, 2010


    Keyara Criner-Basketball
    Perseverance-Overcoming Adversity

    Key Verse: "Whatever you do, do well. For when you go to the grave, there will be no work or planning or knowledge or wisdom." -  Ecclesiastes 9:10

    • Keyara had to overcome knee surgery, the death of her parents, and brother.  How would you handle all of these things if they had happened to you?

    • Keyara had great friends surround her with prayers.  Why are positive friends so important during trials and tough times in life?

  • Kati Poppert Study

    August 07, 2010


    Kati Poppert-Nebraska Cheerleader/Athlete
    Pay It Forward-Give Back What God Gave You

    Key Verse: "Whatever you give is acceptable if you give it eagerly. And give according to what you have, not what you don’t have." -  2 Corinthians 8:12

    • Kati is a great example of perseverance, and she has decided to give back what she has learned to others.  Why is it so easy to just focus on our own problems rather than help others with their struggles?

    • Kati has displayed all the core values of integrity, teamwork, excellence, and serving.  How has she shown excellence in her athletic career?  What were the things holding her back?

  • Have Courage - Erwin McManus Study

    August 07, 2010

    Have Courage - Erwin McManus Study

    Watch the video, then walk through the study below.


    Key Verse:  "Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline." - Proverbs 1:7


    • How has fear gripped your life?  What areas in your life have you been fearful?

    • Erwin McManus acknowledges his own lack of courage, but where does he get his strength from each day?   

    • “Courage is not the absence of fear; courage is the absence of self.”  What does that quote mean to you?

  • Drugs for Pain Study

    August 07, 2010


    Key Verse:  "Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body." -  2 Corinthians 6:19-20

    • Miles was enjoying his new relationship with God and going to church when Katrina hit New Orleans.  How do you think you would respond to that type of tragedy in your life?

    • Miles was angry with God after what had happened.  When have you been angry at God?  What was the reason for your anger?

  • Drew Brees - Pro Perspectives Study

    August 07, 2010


    Drew Brees-New Orleans Saints
    One Day At A Time By Faith

    Key Verse: "What good is it, dear brothers and sisters, if you say you have faith but don’t show it by your actions? Can that kind of faith save anyone?" -  James 2:14

    • Drew Brees talked about his team getting beat badly in the first half, but they never gave up. Can you think of a game when your team was down by a lot of points?  How did you and the team respond?

    • What characteristics do you need as a player to overcome this type of deficit? 

  • Core Strength Study

    August 07, 2010


    Key Verse: "We also pray that you will be strengthened with all his glorious power so you will have all the endurance and patience you need. May you be filled with joy…" - Colossians 1:11

    • How does your core strength affect your athletic performance?

    • What are some things you can do to strengthen your core physically?

    • How does your physical core strength relate to your spiritual core strength?

    • Read Colossians 1:11.  The core strength values for FCA are integrity, serving, teamwork, and excellence.  Which of these areas are you the strongest?  Weakest?

  • Colt McCoy - Pro Perspectives Study

    August 07, 2010


    Colt McCoy-Cleveland Browns

    Key Verse: "Honesty guides good people; dishonesty destroys treacherous people." - Proverbs 11:3

    • Colt talks about being honest in every situation.  Where do you struggle with being totally honest?

    • Honesty and integrity are main ingredients to a successful person/athlete.  How would you define both words?

    • When you get into trouble in your sport or home, why is honesty the best policy?  

  • Chaplains Podcast

    August 06, 2010


  • Paying the Price

    August 05, 2010


    Less than six months after he was hired to take over the University of Alabama football program, coach Mike Price was fired because his behavior failed to coincide with university policies. While Price admitted to “making mistakes and at times inappropriate behavior,” he did not agree with the firing, saying, “I don’t think the punishment fits the crime.” When we make poor choices in life we (and sometimes those around us) will have to pay the price for our actions. It may not always be as big as losing our job, but rest assured there is a price to pay. So how can we honor God with our behavior?

  • Pain and Determination

    August 05, 2010


    Dean Karnazes, the ultra marathon runner, lost his sister in a freak accident. Perhaps the pain of this loss gave him great determination. He was a cross-country runner in high school, but afterward he set aside the sport until the age of thirty. His first run, after resuming, left him bruised and beaten, but he had found his sport. Now he does seventy-five-mile training runs once a month and, just for kicks, he runs at night. Karnazes runs in heat in the Desert Valley; he runs in snow on the highest peak in California.

    The Apostle Paul reminded his Corinthian friends that athletes run in such a way as to win the prize (1 Co 9:24), but he used this example to illustrate the most

  • Being Good Enough Study

    August 04, 2010

    Being Good Enough Study

    Katelyn- High School Basketball Player

    Key Verse: "Whatever you do, do it enthusiastically, as something done for the Lord and not for men, knowing that you will receive the reward of an inheritance from the Lord—you serve the Lord Christ." -  Colossians 3:23-24

    Watch the video and then work through the questions below.

    • Can you feel Katelyn’s pain and pressure?  What are her biggest struggles?

    • How is she showing integrity toward her mom? 

  • Andy Pettitte - Pro Perspective Study

    August 04, 2010


    Andy Pettitte-New York Yankees
    Pray, Pray, Pray

    Key Verse:  "Always be joyful.  Never stop praying.  Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus." - 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

    • Andy talks about praying at all times during his games.  Is that something you do as well when you compete?  Explain.

    • As an athlete, why is it important to pray for your testimony?

    • When is prayer most effective for you as an athlete/Christian?  How do you pray before, during, and after your games? 

  • Facing the Giants

    August 04, 2010


    My first year of coaching was with a football program at a small Christian school. I believe there were only 20-22 players on the team. We were lacking size and had average speed. With only so few players, most of the starters played "iron man" football. A few players played the whole game on defense, offense, kick off and kick return. Would you be willing to bet those players were both physically and mentally spent by half time, much less the end of the game?

  • To Save a Life - They are Judging Me Study

    August 04, 2010


    Jake and Amy go to the youth group meeting, and Amy immediately feels judged, first by Andrea, then the senior pastor and his son, and finally by other girls in the group. Amy decides to leave, and Jake chooses to stay and scolds the group for being judgmental.

    “Don't criticize one another, brothers. He who criticizes a brother or judges his brother criticizes the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge. There is one lawgiver and judge who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor?” - James 4:11-12

    Discussion Questions

  • To Save a Life - I Feel So Alone Study

    August 04, 2010


    Jake was looking at Roger’s blog and realized how alone Roger felt.  As he reads the blog it flashes back to how Roger felt about his life at school.  Roger talks through his pain and struggle of why he felt so hopeless and alone.

    “My eyes are always on the LORD, for He will pull my feet out of the net. Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am alone and afflicted. The distresses of my heart increase; bring me out of my sufferings.” - Psalms 25:15-17

    Discussion Questions

    1. Many students in your school have felt like Roger did.  What are some of the warning signs you can look for?

  • To Save a Life - I Don't Want To Be Some Christian Study

    August 04, 2010


    Jake goes to youth group but never leaves the back of his truck.  Chris comes out to go home and they discuss about why someone should believe in God.  Jake remarks there are so many “fakers” in the group, and he did not want to be “just some Christian”.

    “The Lord said: Because these people approach Me with their mouths to honor Me with lip-service—yet their hearts are far from Me, and their worship [consists of] man-made rules learned [by rote]—"  - Isaiah 29:13

    Discussion Questions

  • The Mentality of a Man

    August 04, 2010



    PICTURE THIS:  Its Wednesday morning July 28, 2010.  Its 6:30 AM, time for my morning run.  It’s raining.  Its decision time…to run or not to run that is the question.  Put up or shut up, go hard or go home, don’t be a punk were some of the thoughts that ran through my mentality as mind kept reminding me that it was raining.  OK Chad, what’s it gonna be?   

  • To Save a Life - Freshman Year Study

    August 04, 2010


    Jake is at the funeral of Roger Dawson and recounts the last time they actually talked. After a basketball game their freshman year, Jake and Roger had made plans hang out, but Amy, pretty freshman cheerleader, invited Jake to a party instead.  Jake asked if Roger could come along, but Amy said there was only room for one more in their car.

    “A man with many friends may be harmed, but there is a friend who stays closer than a brother.”  - Proverbs 18:24

    Discussion Questions

  • The Complete Package

    August 04, 2010

    Having proclaimed Christ as Lord and Savior for nearly three decades, you would think that I’d be able to share my beliefs without hesitation. But the truth is that for many of those years, I was content to be just a casual, amateur Christian. I’d let my actions be my witness. A few years ago, there was a great opportunity for me to share Christ with my brother, and in truth, I blew it. I hadn’t been practicing consistently; as Christians that means searching the scriptures, being constantly in prayer and fellowship with other believers.
    Sports superstars usually have the “complete package”; they seem to excel in every aspect of their sport. Great sprinters get out of the blocks, accelerate to top speed, and finish strong.

  • 2010 Black Mountain Boys Camp

    August 03, 2010


    The following audio is from the FCA Black Mountain boys camp, July 12-16, 2010. Each MP3 download contains the entire audio from the given speaker. The Open Mic testimonies are included as well. Simply click the link to be prompted to download the file.

  • You Play To Win the Game

    August 03, 2010


    A few years back, Herm Edwards was speaking in a post game interview as the head coach of the New York Jets. He was asked by a reporter how he felt about the loss and did it matter to Edwards considering how poorly the team had been performing that season.

    Edwards responded "This is what's great about sports, the greatest thing about sports is you play to win the game. Hello? You play to win the game. You don't play just to play it. That's the great thing about sports, you play to win. And I don't care if you have any wins. You go play to win. When you start telling me it don't matter, then retire... GET OUT! Because it matters. This whole conversation bothers me."

  • The Starting Line - Your New Life In Christ

    August 03, 2010

    The Starting Line - Your New Life In Christ

    Take The Challenge To Start Fast And Finish Strong!

    The Starting Line may be the most life-changing study you’ll ever complete. It will set the foundation for your relationship with Jesus. Whether you’re a new Christian or in need of a spiritual “jump start,” The Starting Line will bring focus and direction as you come out of the blocks in your “run” with Christ—both on and off the field of competition. Going through this study is just the starting point of a lifelong race of adventure, sacrifice, and commitment in your life with Jesus.

  • Session 1: The Big Win

    August 03, 2010


    What Is Salvation All About?

    Athletes have a strong desire to compete—whether we’re trying to make the team, set a personal best, win a championship, or simply outplay our buddies in a friendly game.
    1. What are some things that motivate you to compete? What does it mean to you when you’re successful in winning a competition?

    2.  How do you feel when you lose or fail to reach your competitive goals?

  • Session 2: The Final Buzzer

    August 03, 2010


    How Can I Experience Eternal Life?


    Time is always a major factor. We live in a world of 60-minute games, 30-second time-outs, 3-second lane violations, 2-minute warnings, and other time crunchers like having 2 outs and 2 strikes in the bottom of the 9th inning.

    1. Describe a situation when time played a role in the outcome of a competition. What adjustments were you or your team forced to make as the clock ran down?

    2. List three emotions that you’ve felt when under pressure. What impact did those emotions have on your ability to perform?

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