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Luke Putney

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By FCA Resources

August 07, 2010

Luke Putney-High School Athlete
The Extra Mile-Feel Your Heart Beat

Key Verse: " But as for you, be strong and courageous, for your work will be rewarded."  -  2 Chronicles 15:7

  • Luke went through a major brain surgery in middle school and lost his vision, but it did not hold him back.  How would you respond to such a circumstance in your life? Where would you draw your strength from?

  • Luke’s wrestling coach mentioned that no one want to practice against him because he always goes all out. Is that how you practice?  What can you learn from Luke’s example?

  • Luke runs Cross Country with the help of his coach.  He lets nothing stand in his way of what he wants to accomplish.  Why do we give up so easily at times even when we can see the goals or the finish line in front of us?

  • Read 2 Chronicles 15.  King Asa had a difficult task, like Luke, to overcome.  What did this King do about his situation?  How easy would it have been for this king to give up and not obey the Lord?  How did God bless King Asa for his obedience?

  • Luke talks about feeling his heart beat and knowing God had a plan for him.  What can you learn from Luke’s example to apply to your life today?  

  • Pray today and ask the Lord to give you the strength and courage Luke had to continue on with your life in Christ.