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Sacrifice - Chapel

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By FCA Resources

October 24, 2007

1 – How does a competitor demonstrate genuine love for his teammates?

  • In the book about Coach Joe Ehrmann, “Season of Life” it says that the coaches’ job is to love the players and the players’ job is to love each other.
  • Over the last …… months you have done that.
  • Let’s continue that in today’s contest. 
  • Such love and sacrifice could be the key to a victory today.

2 – This is a great scripture on this theme.  I John 3:16-18 (read text aloud)

  • Christ Jesus is our example – He laid down His life for us.
  • We should lay down our lives for our teammates.
    • Some have done this by changing positions in mid-season.
    • Some have made adjustments in coaching style, daily schedules and more.
    • Some are doing it daily as they play through pain, through injuries and more.
    • We’re following Jesus’ example in so doing.
  • “Let us not love with word and tongue, but in deed and truth.”
    • Talk is easy, deeds are tough.
    • Talk is cheap, deeds are costly.
    • Talk works on practice days, deeds work on game day.
    • Words are good for newspapers, truth is good for teammates.
    • Words please radio listeners, truth pleases your coaches.

3 – Today, win or lose, we’ll be successful if we:

  • Follow Christ’s example and lay down our lives for each other.
  • Love not with word and tongue.
  • Love in deeds and in truth.

This resource provided by Roger D. Lipe