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Bible Study

  • Humility

    June 02, 2008



    1. About which of your sport accomplishments are you normally too humble to openly speak?
    2. Why is it important for you to maintain such humility?
    3. Who are some players you’ve known who showed real humility?
    4. Let’s look for evidence of humility in this story.  Let’s read Mark 1:6-11.
    5. What are some indicators of humility in John the Baptist from this passage?
    6. Why do you think John acts and speaks so humbly?
    7. How similar is your expression of humility to John’s?
    8. What are some ways that we can express true humility in the world of sport?


  • Teamwork

    June 02, 2008



    1. How important is teamwork to your success in sport?
    2. Who has been a great teammate to you?
    3. What were the most important factors in such teamwork?
    4. Let’s read a story that illustrates teamwork from Luke 9:10-17.
    5. Where do you see teamwork happening in this story?
    6. What was Jesus’ role in the team effort?
    7. What can we learn from how He promoted teamwork with his disciples?


    1. Be mindful of your teammates in all situations.
    2. Promote teamwork in every facet of your sport.
    3. Be a great teammate.

  • Self-Control

    June 02, 2008



    1. What part of your sport requires the most self-control?
    2. What happens if you play in an out-of-control way?
    3. Tell us about a player you know who shows great self-control.
    4. Let’s read about someone who demonstrated tremendous self-control.   Read Matthew 4:1-11.
    5. How is Jesus’ self-control evident in this story?  Over what factors does he exercise self-control?
    6. In what situations in your game do you struggle to maintain self-control?
    7. How might Jesus’ example here affect your approach to the game with respect to self-control?


  • Commitment

    June 02, 2008



  • Competitive Drive

    June 02, 2008



  • Courage

    June 02, 2008



    • Tell us about a time when you showed courage in competition.
    • How have you seen other players demonstrate courage through sport?
    • Why do some people think courage is an important factor in making someone a winner?
    • Let’s read about a winner who showed great courage.  Read I Samuel 17:20-24, 31-37, 39-51.
    • What are to you the most striking features of David’s courage in this story?
    • How much is your experience with courage like his?
    • How can coaches and players inspire such courage in others?


  • Questions to Ask When Responding God's Way...

    May 16, 2008


    Questions to Ask When Attempting to Respond to People and Circumstances God’s Way… A resource from Ed Gomes

    Questions to Ask When Attempting to Respond to People and Circumstances God’s Way…

    God, what are you trying to teach me through the situation?

    • Make a list…
    • Confess and apologize if necessary…
    • Offer Thanks…

    God, what are you trying to teach me about me through the situation?

  • Competitor’s Creed Study 1: Identity

    November 07, 2007


    The following study is designed to take you through The Competitor’s Creed line by line to help you better understand what The Creed means and how it applies to you as athletes and coaches. Our hope is that you would not only sign The Competitor’s Creed at, but that you would live it out to the fullest.

    Competitor’s Creed Study 1: Identity

    I am a Christian first and last.
    I am created in the likeness of God Almighty to bring Him glory.
    I am a member of Team Jesus Christ.
    I wear the colors of the cross.

    I am a Christian first and last.
    What does it mean to be a Christian “first and last?”


  • Competitor's Creed Study 2: Competitors

    November 06, 2007


    I am a Competitor now and forever.
    I am made to strive, to strain, to stretch and to succeed in the arena of competition.
    I am a Christian Competitor and as such, I face my challenger with the face of Christ.

    I am a Competitor now and forever.
    What is the dictionary definition of a Competitor? How does this compare with your definition of a Competitor?

    When I was coaching we had a cartoon on the coaches’ office window that epitomized my view of a competitor. There was a frog inside the mouth of a pelican with one hand around the pelican’s neck. The caption read, “Don’t ever give up!”
    Name one athlete or coach who fits your definition of a competitor.

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